PiPo M9 Review

  • 6 yıl önce
A video review of the PiPo max M9, a $250 quad core, 2GB ram Android tablet.\r
Where I bought the tablet from:\r
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This is my review on the PiPo M9.\r
Design and feel:\r
The tablet feels great, its one of the lightest tablets out on the market, only being beaten by the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, the build quality is great despite the weight, it feels solid, doesnt bend under tension and is in my opinion one of the best Chinese tablets build quality wise.\r
One negative note is that the speakers are on the back and sometimes you can accidently put your hands over them, or have them facing down on a table and therefore sound isnt as loud, but once the speakers arent covered they are one of the best quality speakers on the market.\r
In my opinion I dont really like the design on the back, though my PiPo M9 will be in a fulltime case when it arrives. Its just a personal opinion as Im not a fan of the Toshiba like backing.\r
Gaming is great overall, I tested apps such as Citadel, Real Racing 3, Bejeweled, Temple run 2 etc. I didnt notice any lag in the ual gameplay while playing, but I did notice some lag which wasnt noticeable to the normal person on the cut scenes of Real Racing 3, which only lasted about half a second, and were fixed once I rooted the device and overclocked it a bit.\r
Web browsing / PDF browsing:\r
Web browsing is pretty fast and snappy, but most of it is dependent on your internet speeds. Websites such as cnn.com loaded fine, zooming in and out there was no lag, watching online videos no lag, but some poorly coded websites like perthnow.com struggled, but this would have been the same on every single tablet.\r
PDF browsing is also lag free apart from zooming in really far, where it takes a second to focus the text so it looks crisp. This wouldnt be an issue on a high resolution screen like the Nexus 10 or iPad 4, but for the price is pretty good. Im not sure why you would be zooming in that much in real life though.\r
Battery life:\r
Generally the battery has been one of the impressive sides of this tablet. With wifi off, it loses about 1% every 8 hours on standby, with wireless on while in standby it loses about 5-10% every 8 hours. My first day with the tablet doing benchmarks and other stuff, after about 4-6 hours it was only down to about 45% which is pretty impressive. There was no issue with drainage etc. but bare in mind Im on the newer March 19 firmware.\r
Android Experience:\r
Its snappy, works great. I used the Nova Launcher on mine as I was sick of clicking the top right corner to get to the list of apps. Most apps work great, I rooted the device so I could download mobile apps, as there still isnt much tablet made apps or websites in general.\r
$250 for a quad core, 2GB ram, semi high resolution screen? This tablet is defiantly a good buy, and beats most tablets out there on the market. It will shine past high resolution tablets such as the Onda V972 which lags in HD mode and its only real competition is past the $300 mark.\r
8/10 -- A great buy for the price. A 10.1 inch quad core 2Gb tablet, what more could you ask for? Though 1 wish is that I hope 4.2 Android comes out with the new tablet features. Camera shouldnt be an issue as most phone camera beat the tablets out there anyways.\r
Its a great buy for almost everyone, but I wouldnt recommend buying it for a geek or a tech savvy person as they will quickly pick up the small amounts of lag which might happen, which isnt just isolated to this device.\r
Good points:\r
Minimalistic design\r
Great speakers\r
Android 4.1.1 Jellybean\r
Fast and responsive\r
Bad points:\r
Poor camera quality\r
Speakers on the back