• 7 years ago
We show Play-Doh Ice Cream Cone Surprise Eggs Toys (Ninja Turtle, My little Pony etc.) - a new YouTube Play & Fun Video for collectors, babies, toddlers, kids & families\r
Play-Doh is a modeling compound used by young children for art and craft projects at home and in school. Composed of flour, water, salt, boric acid, and mineral oil, the product was first manufured in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S., as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s.[1] When a classroom of children began using the wallpaper cleaner as a modeling compound, the product was reworked and marketed to Cincinnati schools in the mid-1950s. Play-Doh was demonstrated at an educational convention in 1956 and prominent department stores opened retail accounts.[2] Advertisements promoting Play-Doh on influential childrens television shows in 1957 furthered the products sales.[1] Since its launch on the toy market in the mid-1950s, Play-Doh has generated a considerable amount of ancillary merchandise such as The Fun Fory.[3] In 2003, the Toy Industry Association named Play-Doh in its Century of Toys List.\r
Please check out our unboxing & family fun playlists too:\r
Playlist - EXTRA Long Videos / Compilations for Kids & Parents Videos\r
Playlist - Play-Doh Dippin Dots Surprise with Toys Videos\r
Playlist - Fun Toys for Kids Videos\r
Other translations for viewers from other countries:\r
*in Korean, 한국어: 우리는 플레이도 아이스크림 콘 깜짝 계란 장난감을 보여 - 새로운 유튜브 가족 & 집, 아기, 유아, 아이를 위해 & 재미있는 비디오를 재생\r
*in Japanese, 日本語で: 我々はプレイ-Dohのアイスクリームコーンサプライズエッグおもちゃを表示 - 新しいYouTubeは家族&コレクター、赤ちゃん、幼児、子供のため&楽しいビデオを再生します\r
*in Thai, ในภาษาไทย: เราแสดง Play-Doh ไอศครีมโคนเซอร์ไพของเล่นไข่ - YouTube ที่ใหม่เล่นสนุก&วิดีโอสำหรับการสะสมทารกเด็กวัยหัดเดินเด็ก&ครอบครัว\r
*in Vietnamese, trong tiếng Việt: Chúng tôi cho thấy Play-Doh Ice Cream Cone Surprise Eggs Đồ chơi - một YouTube mới chơi & Fun Video cho thu gom, trẻ sơ sinh, trẻ mới biết đi, trẻ em & gia đình\r
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