• 7 年前
ABCs Phonics - Toddler Sings a Phonics Version of ABC song - kids sing ABCs 2 different versions.Heroine makes a visit to the boys.\r
The English language has 40 sounds yet only 26 letters, children need to learn the various sounds (phonemes) associated with each letter. Numerous songs have been written to educate children in phonemic awareness and these songs are usually referred to as alphabet or ABC songs.\r
A is for apple a a apple ,\r
B is for ball b b ball,\r
C is for cat c c cat,\r
D is for dog d d dog,\r
E is for elephant e e elephant,\r
F is for fish f f fish,\r
G is for gorilla g g gorilla,\r
H is for hat h h hat,\r
I is for igloo i i igloo,\r
J is for juice j j juice,\r
K is for kangaroo k k Kangaroo,\r
L is for lion l l lion,\r
M is for monkey m m monkey,\r
N is for Noah n n Noah,\r
O is for octopus o o octopus,\r
P is for pig p p pig.\r
Q is for question q q question,\r
R is for rain r r rain,\r
S is for sun s s sun,\r
T is for train t t train.\r
U is for umbrella u u umbrella,\r
V is for van v v van,\r
W is for watch w w watch,\r
X is for box x x box.\r
Y is for yellow y y yellow\r
Z is for zoo z z zoo.\r
So many things for you to learn about,\r
So many ways to sing a song


