23 Dumbest People You Wont Believe

  • 6 лет назад
Which of these people do find the dumbest of the lot? Let us know in the comments below and subscribe to our channel for more hilarious videos just like this – thanks for watching! \r
15 - A balancing … \r
Just by looking at the image, you can clearly see the tree tops in the background… and the only thing holding this guy safely, is the rope around his waist and a guy that could very easily be distred. That guy deserves a raise! \r
14 - Putting it into perspective… \r
A close up of this guy washing windows, you assume there are no problems. He might possibly be on a second floor, and you might vaguely shake your head and think – not too bright. Pan out, and I think your jaw will drop to the floor! He is near the top of a high rise block of flats with no safety harness whatsoever! \r
13 - Bit of a balls up… \r
Exercise balls are great additions to your gym workout, but I dont think they were intended for this purpose. If he was sitting on it with light weights, or lying against it – I would totally understand – but this is absolutely ridiculous, from both him and the trainer! \r
12 - What could go wrong?\r
Im not even a guy and Im hurting for him, but only momentarily! I quickly snap out of it, and think – are you kidding me? He has a helmet on his head, but shouldnt he have rather put protection over his vitals?\r
11 - Enter at your own risk… \r
This must be one of the most dangerous working sites in the world… where the only thing standing between yourself and certain death, are two flimsy poles supporting a massive boulder. Not much in terms of a hard hat on this guy either! \r
10 - Why didnt I think of that? \r
Oh right, because its really the dumbest thing I have ever seen. I can just picture a wife, standing to the side – shaking her head in absolute dismay, once again questioning her choice in lifetime partner! \r
9 - Team Effort… \r
This time its not just the poor guys to blame, but a husband and wife team who are taking a pretty big chance to get a bit of paint work done. If that scrawny chair had to break or bend suddenly, this guy could find himself lying horizontally in a hospital bed! \r
8 - A few bright sparks… \r
Thats what these guys are! I keep thinking of the show A Thousand Ways to Die – which features really peculiar ways in which people found their early demise, and this one would probably see the most viewers for that ! \r
7 - Reaching new heights… \r
Of dumbness! Surely this apartment has a flight of stairs on the inside or a lift of some sort… this seriously cannot be the most convenient way of getting this fridge into the apartment! \r
6 - No work bench, no problem! \r
Theres a big part of me thats hoping this was just a prical joke, but considering our list so far – I think this is real. There seems to be plenty of work bench space behind him, yet between the two of them – they thought this was the best and easiest option! \r
5 - I see dumb people… \r
Theyre everywhere you go!! And thanks to modern technology, we are exposed to even more dumb people via social media and the internet! This guy has the perfect solution to his lack of a car jack – two wooden planks! The repair to the truck could not have been so urgent as to risk your life to do it!\r
4 - Thats one way of doing it… \r
Who needs a ladder, when it will take so much less time to dangle the repairman by his feet, off a tall building, to repair that sign! This guy is dedicated to his job, isnt he? \r
3 - A Cheapskate… \r
Instead of spending a mere few dollars on a pair of safety goggles, this guy decided to just stick a plastic bag over his head! No need to have to explain how flammable plastic is, and that he would have been better off rather having no covering over his head! Imagine that plastic melting into his skin! Ouch! \r
2 - Life is a balancing … \r
Maybe this guy was a tightrope walker in his previous life, because he has no fear of being up so high – with no safety net or harness. He has literally put his safety and his life into the hands or should I say strength of this plank! Its madness! \r
1 - A special kind of stupid… \r
This newspaper printed a story of a very dumb girl, who apparently had her pot stolen from her by her boyfriend. She reported the incident to the police, even going as far as to tell the police she was hoping to sell the pot, so she could have a birthday treat. As I said, a special kind of stupid!