EASIEST WAY TO Solve 2048 with 3 Simple Tricks

  • 6 years ago
Solve 2048 game / puzzle using 3 simple steps shown in the video, you can even make 4096 or even bigger number by following the rules shown in this video. 2048 is one of the trending games in recent times, many people are getting addicted to it. \r
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Here are the list of Rules that you should follow to solve this puzzle.\r
Rule 1: - \r
First you have to select any one of the Corner to make the maximum number, lets say if you select the top left corner block. In the whole process of the game you should always try not to move that block in any other direction. Make sure that the selected corner block should not displace from its position while playing the game.\r
Rule 2:-\r
In 2048 we can move the block totally in four direction, but as said in the First rule we should not move the corner block. We selected corner block at top left corner, so only if we move the block in upward and left directions the corner block will not move from its position.\r
Keep moving the block in upward and left directions until there is no probability for the block to move any further. Always try to fill the first row so that even if you move the block in right direction the cover block will not move. \r
BY randomly moving the block in the directions mentioned above you can easily get 128 or 256 numbers. \r
Rule 3:-\r
Always make sure that the numbers in the top row are in descending order. Here is a logic that you should always follow while forming the blocks with maximum number. In the Top row you should arrange the blocks in such way that, starting from the corner block the number in succeeding block should be half of the previous block. For example if you need to make 256 in the corner block, it should be 128 in the corner block succeeded by 64, 32 and16. You can follow the same rule to make any other number in corner block.\r
In the Final step of 2048 this is how the top row looks like 1024,512,256 and 128. While making these you might come across few difficulties, you can solve the puzzle only if you learn how to overcome those difficulties \r
Check how to solve the Difficulties while solving 2048 --


