10 Most Bizarre World Records

  • 6 лет назад
From the highest free fall from outer space or the longest time spent buried alive these are the 10 most bizarre worlds records set\r
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7.Largest Commercially Available Hamburger\r
Americans love themselves a hamburger. Whether it is a double double from In-N-Out or just a good old McDonalds Big Mac, the mere mention of a burger will have most people suffering from hunger hurrying to their nearest fast food joint to satisfy their craving. But with a notice of 24 hours and $350 you can experience the biggest commercially available hamburger, one that you will need some friends, or an entire sports team to help you finish off. Maybe the Detroit Tigers, as you can find this monstrosity on the menu of Mallies in Detroit, Michigan. The record holding establishment has six and twelve pound burgers on the menu, which dont even compare to the 134 pounder that has been dubbed the “Absolutely Ridiculous Burger.”\r
6.Longest Time Spent Buried Alive\r
This is not a record I would recommend trying to break. It is hard to imagine being buried alive for any amount of time, but people purposefully do it all of the time. Illusionist David Blaine buried himself alive for a week in an underground plastic box. The unofficial record holder for this half impressive half insane feet is held by magician Zdenek Zahradka of the Czech Republic, who spent 10 days buried alive in 2004. Tragedy struck in new when a 24 year old Sri Lankan man died attempting to break the unofficial record. Guinness does not keep track of this record specifically because of the dangers involved in trying to set it. \r
5. Weight Lifted By the Human Tongue\r
Odd records of all kinds exist. You can find weight lifted by prically any body part but for this segment of the countdown, Ive chosen the tongue, as it seems the most unlikely body part to lift anything with. The record for weight lifted by the tongue is 27 pounds 8.96 ounces and is held by Thomas Blackthorne of the U.K. who lifted the weight on a hook which was put through his tongue. He did it on the set of El Show Olimpico in Mexico City, Mexico and he accomplished the somewhat spectacular feet on August 1 2008. I dont know if making out with this guy would be more thrilling or painful.\r
4.Stacking Cups\r
It is debatable, but cup stacking is considered by many to be a sport. When you see videos of cup stackers in competition there is no doubt that it is something that takes a great amount of skill and price. The rules of the game are fairly straightforward. You start with three stacks of cups and the objective is to stack those cups in three symmetrical pyramids as quickly as you can. The record is held by William Orrell, who built his cup pyramids in a blazing five seconds. You have to check out the video, its hard to believe how good someone can be at this.\r
3. Limbo\r
There are some bizarre things that human beings keep track of, and I would say worlds lowest limbo is one of those bizarre things. The record for females was set by American Shemika Charles and was achieved on the set of Live! With Regis And Kelly on September 16, new. The bar under which Shemika shimmied her way through was only an amazing eight and a half inches off the ground. There is no official record for men but I doubt anyone, man or woman will be challenging the record anytime soon.\r
2.Longest Beard\r
The longest beard in the world grows out of Sarwan Singhs face and measures out to just over 8 feet in length. The measurement took place in September, new for the popular morning show Live! With Regis and Kelly, who often have Guinness Record holders featured on their show. Singh is a well respected music teacher from Canada and he considers his lengthy beard a divine gift from god. Running into this man may have you uttering a phrase that is almost never possible to have to say, “sorry I stepped on your beard.”\r
1.Longest Fingernails\r
Trimming fingernails is a part of most peoples hygienic routine. This is not the case for Lee Redmond, who holds this dubious and unimaginable record. She started growing them out in 1979 and never stopped. 29 years later she had them measured for a popular TV show in Madrid, Spain, when they measured out to a total length of 28 feet 4 and a half inches. Her longest single nail was coming out of her right thumb and measured a disgusting 2 feet 11 inches. It is very fortunate for Lee that she had this done because just the next year she lost her nails in an automobile accident in new. Ironically and sadly she claims that a Japanese TV show once offered her ten thousand dollars to trim her nails for a live TV audience.


