10 Best Tips To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse

  • 6 years ago
From the importance of finding a shelter to remaining alert at all times, here are the 10 Best Tips To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse.\r
#5 - Find or Create Shelter\r
After you have completed a few of the other necessities like clothing, food, water, and weapons, youll need some place to go. If you are close enough to your house and you can reasonably fortify the place, go for it. If you are out and about in town, then lets go over a few options. Whatever you do avoid places like hospitals, government buildings, police stations, and even grocery stores. Either the place is overrun by the infected, there are too many sick people that are turning into the infected, or there are simply too many scared and panicked people, which always leads to disaster. If you have a strong group, you should head to an apartment complex. You might need to clear out the building before you try and settle in, but the buildings are set up for several groups to live in them at once. If you are by yourself, you need to establish someplace that you can easily access from the outside, for escape or to get supplies, and someplace that you can hide in case the building itself gets overrun by the living or the dead. Try for an attic or something of the sort where you can control the entrance and the exit. Have you heard of those stories where bums are found living in the ceilings of Super Walmarts for years? Thats the idea you want to have. If you plan far enough in advance, you can order one of those really cool fallout bunkers that get buried in your backyard. \r
#4 - Transportation\r
At some point, you are probably going to need to get from one place to another safely. You may need more ammo, different supplies, or maybe, you just need to move. Regardless of why you are moving, youll need a reliable form of transportation to get from point A to point B. If worse comes to worse, you can always find a bicycle to quickly carry you and some stuff around in a pinch. Of course, with that option, you dont have any protection, but you also dont need any fuel to power the thing. If you are able to make one work, you should try to find a service vehicle. You can modify a simple piece of machinery, like this jet snowblower you see in this picture, to help you reach your final destination. You can see that if you blew fire out of this machine, it would roast any zombies in your path. If you plan ahead, you could create the most tricked out zombie transportation squad on the planet. \r
#3 - Dealing With Whats Left Over\r
I hate to break it to you, but you are not going to be the only living person left on the planet. Those people that have survived the apocalypse might not be nice, friendly people. They might just want to kill you and take the things you have. You couldnt really blame them; theyre just trying to survive too. While you cant blame them, you can certainly watch for them to make sure that you dont end up on the wrong side the Negan and everyone else relationship. If you see groups of scavengers roaming about, keep your distance and observe. If you have had the chance to follow them for some while, you might decide to show yourself if you feel like they are good people and that you could benefit from having a relationship with them. If you can get something out of it, and its safe, go out and introduce yourself. If they look sketchy, chances are they are, so stay hidden and far away. If they are evil and camped out in front of your shelter, youll probably have to kill them, but thats why you have a good weapon by this point, right? Dealing with the riff raff thats left over is something Rick and his crew deal with every other . \r
#2 - Getting Ready To Rebuild\r
This is the time that you need to start thinking in long terms. Find a place you know you and your group can secure for the long term. Start planting crops and create yourself a food supply. Make long-term plans and then make one last plan in case this place falls. If you are crafty enough, build windmills to harness energy. Start a library and learn as much as you possibly can, you never know when that bit of knowledge could be the very thing that saves your life. Eventually, youll have to think about repopulating the world, but thats not a conversation you just want to spring on a person, so wait a while before you start demanding to procreate. \r
#1 - Always Remain Alert\r
It doesnt matter if the last zombie you saw was a month, a year, or even five years ago, never let your guard down. Even if you believe wholeheartedly that the world is ok now, you are probably wrong. Dont ever forget your plans, dont ever stop trying to provide for yourself and create long-term plans that will help ensure your survival and th
