• 6 years ago
Dad Michael Dempsey, 28, was feeding his seven-month-old son Bruce when little Daisy said she wanted to go to the toilet on Monday (22/2) morning. The busy dad told her to go and put her £7.99 Disney Frozen toilet training seat on the loo and wait so he could lift her up. But Michael was shocked when he walked in and found the potty stuck around her head "hanging from her neck like a necklace". And when the care worker asked his daughter what she had done, cheeky Daisy replied: "I'm potty!" After trying in vain to force the toilet seat off using butter, Michael rushed the tot to his local urgent care centre. Medics said they didn't have the correct equipment so the pair went to Corby fire station where firefighters freed her using cutters to clip the seat in half.


