Sculptor makes stunning work from 2 pence coins

  • 5 years ago
An artist is coining it in with shining sculptures of men and women - from 2p pieces.
Sculptor Shaun Gagg, 46, spends weeks patiently creating individual busts of figures and literally turning pennies into pounds - as they sell for upwards of £160. The father-of-four lists his works on Artfinder - a global marketplace for original artwork - where it has been quickly snapped up. Shaun, of Filey, North Yorks., said: "From working with stone sculptures, I then used slate.

"About three years ago I moved to my primary resources, presently being nails, steel, and 2p coins. With coins you can't really do anything too adventurous - because they are flat but give off a cool effect. But welding coins is a lot safer - despite still burning myself all the time."
Shaun's portfolio also includes rock sculptures while balancing rocks on top of each other - but a climbing incident meant he had to retire from walking after damaging his ankle. The grandfather-of-two said: "My next project is going to be a lifesize Jesus being crucified on the cross - all made out of old nails.

"Artfinder is an amazing tool, and now my work has sold so quickly it's an incredibly humbling feeling."
Jonas Almgren, chief executive of Artfinder said: "Our mission here at Artfinder is to give independent artists the ability to directly support themselves and to make a living from their art. I'm delighted that so early in the company's growth that we have success stories such as Shaun's."

Shaun's sculptures can be bought at


