Disability benefit cheat caught on camera taking part in fitness classes.

  • 5 years ago
A benefit cheat who swindled £21,000 claiming she was so disabled she need help bathing and getting dressed was caught by undercover investigators -- taking part in FITNESS classes. Anne Bird, 60, (wearing a grey top in scene 1 and a striped top in scene 2), told the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) she was entitled to the highest category of disability benefits after being diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Despite being entitled to some benefits, between October 2008 and August 2012 she was overpaid £21,109 in state hand-outs. But she was caught by DWP investigators following a tip-off that she was regularly attending fitness classes. She was caught on camera joining in a range of activities at Bloxwich Leisure Centre, West Mids.


