• 7 years ago
Kamen Rider Ghost All Great Men Ghost Eyecon Sounds\r
Benkei: “ Aniki! Mukimuki! Niōdachi! (Big Brother! Muscles! Daunting stance!/アニキ!ムキムキ!仁王立ち!)\r
Billy the Kid: Hyakuhatsu! Momonaka! Zukyūn! Bakyūn! (“100 Shots! 100 Hits! Zukyūn! Bakyūn!” /百発! 百中! ズキューン!バキューン!)\r
Columbus: “Saiko kai! Dai kokai! (The best one! Grand Voyage!” /最高かい! 大航海!)\r
Da Vinci: “Issaigassai! Cho tensai! (Anything and everything! Super Genius!” / 一切合切!超天才! Issaigassai! Cho tensai!)\r
Darwin: “Giron! Ketsuron! Shinka-ron! (Discussion! Conclusion! The Theory of Evolution!” / 議論!結論!進化論! )\r
Galileo: “Tentai shiritai hoshi ippai! (I want to learn all the celestial stars!” / 天体知りたい星いっぱーい !)\r
Ganbarizing: “Senkou! Koukou! Bāsuto de GO! (Battling first! Young! Burst GO!” /センコウ!コウコウ!バーストでGO! )\r
Goemon: “Kabuki ukiuki! Midare saki! (Kabuki cheerful! Disturbances bloom!” / 歌舞伎ウキウキ! 乱れ咲き!)\r
Grimm: “Kokoro no doa hiraku dōwa! (The hearts door opens to fairy tales!” / 心のドア開く童話! )\r
Sanzo: Saru! Buta! Kappa! Tenjiku o toppa! (Monkey! Pig! Kappa! Break through to India!” / サル! ブタ! カッパ!天竺を突破! )\r
Himiko: Mirai no yokoku! Yamataikoku! (Advance notice of the future! Yamataikoku!“ (未来の予告!邪馬台国! )\r
Ikkyu: “Semaru pinchi! Saeru tonchi! (In a pinch! Stay alert tonchi!” / 迫るピンチ!冴えるとんち!)\r
Ishinomori: “Pen to kami! Sōzō no kami! (Pen and paper! Gods creation!” / ペンと紙!創造の神! )\r
Kamehamaha: “Hawaii waiwai! Osametai! ( Hawaii waiwai! I will rule over it!” / ハワイワイワイ! 治めたーい! )\r
Napoleon: “Okose kakumei! Sora ga shukumei! (Begin the Revolution! It is destiny!” / 起こせ革命!それが宿命! )\r
Nightingale: “Hakui no tenshi! Sukuu wa heishi! (White-robed Angel! Saving soldiers!” / 白衣の天使!救うは兵士!)\r
Nobunaga: Ga no ikizama! Okehazama! (My Way of Life! Okehazama!” / 我の生き様!桶狭間! )\r
Pythagoras: “ankaku no teiri! Ore no iu tōri! (Triangular theorem! As I said!” / 三角の定理!俺の言う通り! )\r
Robin Hood: “Harō! Arō! Mori de aou! (Hello! Arrow! See you in the woods!” / ハロー!アロー!森で会おう! )\r
Ryoma: “Mezameyo Nihon! Yoake ze yo! (Awake, Japan! The dawn!” / 目覚めよ日本! 夜明けぜよ! )\r
Santa Claus: “Jinguru beru kōru! Seinaru yoru! (Jingle Bell call! Holy Night!” / ジングルベルコール!聖なる夜!) \r
Shakespeare: “Romeo and Juliet! ______!” (ロミオとジュリエット! ______! Romio to Jurietto! _______!). \r
Tutankhamen: Piramiddo wa sankaku! Ōke no shikaku! (The pyramids are triangular! Credentials for Royalty! / ピラミッドは三角!王家の資格! )


