• 6 years ago
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In 1914, archaeologists found an astonishing location in Gunung Padang, in Indonesia. 2 ancient stone mountains rest in this region, mountains in the form of pyramids, their size is truly massive. Intrigued by their shape, this 1914 team initiated aof test digs in the small likelihood that they were man made.\r
the proposition of these 2 huge land features ually being pyramids, must have been virtually unthinkable to these initial explorers, there subsequent excavation also concluded that the site was indeed a natural formation.\r
However, Fast forward 100 years of technological advances in archaeology, photography, ground penetrating radar and satellite imaging, and we can now take much deeper looks at locations, gaining far greater insight than was possible a century ago.\r
The archaeological societies are currently in a panic, in regards to an expedition which is being undertaken to this very site. over one hundred years after its initial discovery and disregardment.\r
What is interesting to note, a detail this team must be aware of, a detail largely supressed and rarely discussed, is the f that very ancient monuments rest upon the tops of each mountain, monuments that were later dated at 2500 years old. and confirmed as artificial megalithic structures.\r
The reason the archaeological community is worrying, is due to their possible size. they would dwarf the great pyramids of Giza. However, the pyramids, in Giza are in a very special location, they in f rest on the centre of the worlds land mass, the question would be, why would Indonesia possess such ginormous pyramids.\r
in new, geologist Dr Danny Natawidjaja, who earned a doctorate at Cal Tech, recognized the mountains as possible man-made pyramids, and began to explore using ground penetrating radar, seismic tomography, resistivity survey and other remote sensing techniques, as well as some direct excavations and deep core drilling.\r
The results were immediately intriguing, \r
producing evidence of deeply buried man-made chambers and yielding carbon dates going back as far as 26,000 years. This would make the construction prior to the last ice age.\r
Such ideas are heresy to mainstream archaeologists, the archaeological establishment in Indonesia banded together against Dr Natawidjaja and his team, lobbied the political authorities, agitated locally and succeeded in slowing down, though not completely stopping, the further exploration of Gunung Padang.\r
However Dr Natawidjaja fought back, doing some high-level lobbying of his own, taking the matter to the President of Indonesia himself. There were further delays to do with elections in Indonesia but just a couple of months ago, the final obstacles were lifted and Dr Natawidjaja and his team moved back onto the Gunung Padang site with full approval to go ahead with their work, including permission to excavate the concealed chambers.\r
Although it may not be widely received, this excavation may be the most important currently being undertaken on earth.\r
mainstream Archaeologists are furious, and have been lobbying to get the work stopped – fortunately to no avail, preliminary excavations have produced results that prove beyond doubt, that Gunung Padang is indeed a man-made pyramid of great antiquity. Even the relatively young layer so far excavated, the second artificial columnar rock-layer beneath the megalithic site visible on the surface, has yielded dates of 5200 BC, nearly 3000 years older than the orthodox dating for the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. there are also firm indications from the original remote sensing and core drilling work. that there is much older layers below. In short, it is now evident to all, that the site is vastly older than the 2500 years archaeologists had insisted upon for decades. \r
Even the most hostile are now quietly reframing their assessment of the site and referring to it as “a gigantic terraced tomb, which was part of the biggest megalithic culture in the archipelago.”\r
I will keep you posted.\r


