• 7 years ago
Each year car drivers in European and North American cities spend an average of 55 hours searching for parking spaces. Yet there is no shortage of free parking spaces – one challenge is to find them. And the other is to manoeuvre the car into and out of the space undamaged: 65 percent of customers would like a car that parks and unparks itself.

For both challenges, Mercedes-Benz is able to ease the burden on drivers with modern assistance systems, intelligent networking of vehicles and the infrastructure plus well-conceived services related to parking. Apart from the drivers themselves, this also benefits the environment and urban surroundings thanks to less traffic seeking parking spaces and the more efficient use of available parking facilities. Coming services include e.g. the Mercedes me Car Sharing app, which allows efficient use of the car during parking periods. In the pilot project CHARK.me (Change the way you park), on driver request, service providers can deposit packages, food or clean laundry in the vehicle's boot. And the likewise new service smart "ready to spot" helps drivers to find their parked car with further functions that help them when returning to it.


