Airline passenger creates chaos on plane, may face 20 years in jail

  • 6 years ago
MIAMI, FLORIDA — In a video shot by an American Airlines passenger, a man is seen screaming at a flight attendant after he is denied alcohol.

An FBI affidavit states that around an hour after the flight took off from St Croix to Miami, passenger Jason Felix called on the flight attendant to purchase another beer.

The flight attendant refused after he caught Felix scouring through the back of the plane opening and closing cabinets in the bathroom earlier during the flight, the Independent reported.

When a flight attendant confronted him, he seemed upset and was swearing at the flight attendant on his way back to his seat.

The FBI says when his request for another drink was turned down, Felix started chasing the flight attendants and used inappropriate language.

The crew informed Felix that he would "need to sit down" told him that he would "not be drinking anymore beers."

Bill Bolduc, who recorded the incident, claims Felix then started hitting his seatmate in aisle, spitting blood and tearing his shirt, while the other passengers tried to pull them apart.

It turns out the seatmate Felix was fighting with was a U.S. Virgin Islands police officer. The FBI says Felix threatened to kill him and said "I know you are a cop."

Fellow passengers tried to calm Felix down but he continued with the insults and the use of inappropriate language toward the police officer, who had been asked to change seats.

When the plane landed in Miami, four police officers came onto the plane and escorted Felix into the airport where he was immediately arrested for attempted to interfere with the flight crew.

He could be sentenced upto 20 years in jail. Meanwhile, his detention hearing is on Tuesday in Florida.