Tips To Educate a Potentially Dangerous Dog

  • 6 years ago

Tips to properly train a potentially dangerous dog. Due precisely to the stubbornness of many of these breeds and their physical potency, it is necessary to conscientiously educate a PPP dog (short for Potentially Hazardous Dogs), to avoid finding ourselves in an uncomfortable situation where danger may arise.

Although following these tips we will teach our dog well, we always recommend giving classes with a professional dog trainer to advise us personally, and in person on the steps to follow to fully dominate our dog.

1. Domination advice.

One of the most important aspects when it comes to educating a potentially dangerous dog is to show its role in the family from the first moment, that is, from puppy.

The PPP races tend to try to acquire the role of alpha male by pure instinct, they are strong and powerful races that can afford it, why not do it? That they do it is totally normal, letting them acquire that role, however, is the biggest mistake we can make.

For this we must put into practice a series of simple tips that will help our dog understand that he is not the leader:

Do not let your dog get on your bed or the sofa, put a bed for him and that's where he should rest and sleep.
Do not let it get on your knees or jump you, not even playing.
When you leave or enter the home with him, you must always do it first and then the. If you are accompanied, first all humans and then the.
Before putting his food, he orders that he feels. When you leave the food on the floor, do not give it the order to eat (permission to eat) until I look you in the eye.
If your dog is a puppy, put your hand in the trough once in a while so that it learns to stop eating when you order it. He should allow you to touch his food without grumbling and without bad gestures. If you are an adult, do not practice this without the supervision of a professional trainer because it could bite you.

2. Training tips.

The most important thing if we have a potentially dangerous dog is to teach the basic orders thoroughly.

This type of orders will allow us to control the dog at all times, even in dangerous situations where another dog or person may be injured. The basic orders are:

Teach your dog to come to your call at all times.
Teach to sit the dog and not move until new order.
Teach him not to pull on the leash, even if he is provoked by other dogs.

Remember that the PPP breeds (short for Potentially Hazardous Dogs) can not be loose in public spaces, neither in dog parks nor in the mountains, even if there is nobody.

3. Socialization tips.

It is complex to educate a potentially dangerous dog to respect other dogs and people when the law itself forbids us to release them in public spaces or in dog parks.
