Who We Are - Ariel Mançanares (Original Song)

  • 6 years ago
(please read the description below )
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If you believe in my music and wants to help invest in my career, click in Become a Patreon, 1 dolar helps A LOT! http://www.patreon.com/arielmancanares

Wazzup guys, for those whoa re not brazilian or don't understand portuguese, I'm giving away a dream catcher that i made for the person who shares this video on facebook with #arielfos with the best inspirational phrase giving strength to people who are depressed about life.

if you wanna know how to play/sing this song, here it goes:

C#m A E B
sometimes it feels like your off the track
and you can't go back
and when you try to look ahead
you see nothing left
missed chances, missed dreams and misunderstandings
you forget who you are
but don't give up
you should fight

E A C#m B
fight to find
who you are
and fight for life
cause time is just passing by

sometimes i look in the mirror
and i don't see myself
I never thought i could be someone else
I'm changing, I'm spinning and falling to pieces
and when i reconstruct myself
I'll be different, and its fine

So fight to find
who you are
and fight for life
cause time is just passing by

E A C#m B
life is short
you don't wanna waste it
live now with no regrets
and your fears
you're strong to face it
and go ahead

fight to find
who you are

fight to find
who you are
and fight for life
cause time is just passing by
through your eyes

thanks for all the support, and keep hanging on. Life is good.
