10 Restricted Abandoned Places

  • 6 years ago
From the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, to the unreal communist monument in Bulgaria, these are 10 RESTRICTED Abandoned Places ! \r
6. North Brother Island\r
If you live in New York City you might have seen this island before. It is located between the Bronx and Rikers Island, and it is definitely off limits.\r
The island has a long and sad history as a quarantine zone dating back to the 1880s when a hospital dedicated to smallpox was built. The most famous patient on the island is without a doubt Typhoid Mary, the first human in the US to be identified as an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever.\r
The remains of the quarantine hospital still stand strong, but the island has been taken over by dense brush and wildlife\r
5.The 1936 Olympic Village\r
Regarded as the most infamous Olympic games in history, the site of the 1936 “Nazi Games” in Berlin has been left to the elements.\r
The people of Berlin want nothing to do with it, maybe because it is connected to WW2 or maybe because it was under soviet control for decades, there are certainly many fors at play here.\r
This is the oldest olympic village that has any hope of being restored to its former glory, but it will be an almost impossible feat since no one wants to donate money towards the cause. \r
4.Maunsell Sea Forts\r
These haunting sea forts are located in the Thames Estuary (where the river meets the sea) and were built during WW2. They were part of Englands defense system and served their purpose until the late 50s.\r
After that, some of the forts were the location of a few pirate radio stations, and after it was all said and done, the buildings were deemed unsafe and the general public has been severely restricted in visiting them.\r
Perhaps you have heard of the Principality of Sealand ? It is an unrecognized micronation that has claimed the Rough Tower Fort, and has been falsely labeled as the “smallest country in the world”. \r
It is not recognized by any other nation or government, and considering it has a constant population of 0, you can see why.\r
3. Holy Land USA\r
With a name like Holy Land USA, you would expect something a bit more…. holy. \r
This place falls into the “other” holy section… yes that one.\r
56 years ago, the Biblical theme park was built in Waterbury Connecticut, it was a place for anyone to experience the sights of Jerusalem, the Garden of Eden, and Bethleem. Alas, the park was closed down for renovations during the 80s, and it never opened again. \r
A group of nuns was put in charge of the place but they could not keep up with the upkeep.\r
The place is restricted in a way, since it is still private property, but inviting front gates offer entry to anyone who dares to go in. \r
The park has turned into a very creepy place, especially at night… \r
2. Six Flags Jazzland \r
Jazzland was a fully operational amusement park that was permanently shut down after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.\r
It is now considered as “Standing but Not Operational” and with absolutely every plan of reopening failing, this six flags location is a prime urban exploration spot, the worst you will have to deal with is lazy security guards… and the f that the whole place can be considered a giant death trap.\r
In new, thePercy Jackson: Sea Monsters filmed on location at the park, and many other studios followed their lead. The most famous of them being Jurassic World.\r
And now for NUMBER 1, but first, the answer to our question.\r
On June 15, 1904, PS General Slocum, a passenger steam boat caught on fire near the the North Brother Island, and bodies from the ship littered the coast. \r
In total, 1,021 people died, and 321 survived to tell the tale. \r
1. The Buzludzha Monument\r
When looking at this massive saucer shaped building it isnt hard to believe that it was built during the height of Brutalism Architecture in the 70s.\r
The monument was commissioned by the Bulgarian Communist Party and it officially opened in 1981 and it closed down not even 10 years later with the fall of communism in the country. After it was abandoned, no one really cared for it, at all. The building fell into complete disarray and is littered with graffiti and broken glass. \r
And yet, there is something that attrs many urban explorers to this place, the front doors have been chained up for a long time, but that really hasnt stopped anyone that wants to see the inside of the building. \r
Roman Robroek, an urban photographer from the Netherlands, captured the spirit of the building perfectly during his trip. The larger than life monument towers over the silhouette of a man who is trying to make out what the ominous red letters above the front doors say.