• 6 years ago
From the Batman themed limousine, to the longest limousine ever created, here are 15 Insanely Awesome Limos. \r
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7. BatLimo\r
Super Batman Fans will definitely -bat- their wings at this one. This $4.2 million dollar Batmobile stretch limousine is just as cool as it looks. Otherwise known as the Baltimore, this is the limousine that Batman has used for multiple hot dates with Poison Ivy and BatWoman. Well, ok, he and Robin took it out for a guys night just once. Its hard to find where this limo can be seen or where is was created, but it has set New York Citys people into a frenzy. The hashtag #baltimore can be searched on Twitter and Instagram for social media users that want to quell their curiosity. The lack of information and mystery as to where this limo is going to show up sort adds to its charm, dont you think?? Bruce Wayne just wants his privacy, you guys!\r
6. Bigger Beetle\r
Do you remember the game “punch-buggy” that youd play on long road trips or even on short trips to the grocery store. Kids of this generation may not know the joy of spotting a blue Volkswagen Beetle from across the street, and shouting “punch buggy blue!” as they playfully punch a siblings arm. The only way to retaliate from getting punched would be spotting another Volkswagen of a different color, shouting “punch buggy red!” and punching their arm back. We wonder how much harder youd have to punch for the exclamation “punch buggy LIMOUSINE!”\r
Spotting this Beetle limo would definitely be a game winning punch. \r
5. Trekking In Style\r
This snow trekking limo is chillingly impressive. The extra cab and camper attached to the back of this Dodge truck are surely an unusual take on the famous Dodge commercial. Usually, a rugged Dodge truck is rolling around on the dirt hills of a desert or transporting grains on a farm. Dodge trucks are widely popular for those who live in snowy climates, so were sure that the owner of this beauty just decided to make the best out of it. \r
4. The Presidents Choice\r
Cadillac One was made in new for president Barack Obama, and its creation is just about as monumental as his presidency. It costs three million dollars and is rumored to be filled with guns, ammo, firefighting equipment , oxygen masks, and tons of other insane presidential staples for safety. Some of the crazier items on board this executive supermobile include viles of the Presidents blooid in case an emergecny transfusion were to happen. This limo is very likely the safest limo on the planet, as it is bulletproof ,bombproof, and armour plated doors that weigh the same amount as a cabin door on a Boeing 757. Newly elected Preisdent Donald Trump has his very own Cadillac One as well- nicknamed The Beast. \r
3. A Loud Limo\r
This cow patterned limosine looks like itd make for a -dairy- good time. The farm animals on top and that mysterious and suggstively gross blob on the back have probaably caused a few double-takes from neighboring drivers. Lets just hope it didnt cause any wrecks! Its a brilliant attetnion attror, of course. But it also is probably the most embrassing vehcile to take to a formal event. Ever. \r
2.The Boeing 737 Limo\r
Its a bird! Its a plane! Its a.. Limo-zane.This $1 million dollar hybrid limo plane was crafted by a Mexican limousine company by chopping off its wings and replacing its body with that of a bus. This thing isnt big. Its huge! It weighs 24,000 pounds alone, not counting the amount it would weigh at its capacity of 40 people. Surely something so huge would move pretty slowly though, right? Wrong. It can go up to 124 mile per hour. The inside contains multiple tvs, a dance floor, a fireplace, a full bar, and strobe lights. Ladies and gentlemen, please note your emergency exits. Then forget about them. Because youll never want to leave this party plane limo thing. \r
1.The American Dream Limo\r
This is the grandaddy of them all. The longest limousine ever created. For once, we can wholly assure you that this extra long limo is NOT photoshopped. Were confident in that , because this whopper was built in the 1980s by famed car creator Jay Ohrberg. Whos Jay Ohrberg, you may ask? Is is that guy in the distant background of photo number one? Hes the mastermind behind other famous cars like the DeLorean in Back To The Future and The Ford Gran Torino from Starsky and Hutch. The worlds longest limo clocked in at 100 feet with 26 wheels, a helipad, and a Jacuzzi. All of these features seem more than prical. You know, for when you need to land your helicopter on your 100 foot limo. As expected, the limo was altogether too difficult to drive and went on to die a slow, limo death.Just


