Bienvenid@s !! Estamos trabajando en renovar nuestro canal y poco a poco lo iras viendo! , Hoy te enseñamos hacer un tapete hermoso para nuestro pie de cama, Me ha encantado!!! es en forma de hoja de arbol, espero te guste, y no olvides suscribirte, un abrazo y gracias por tu visita.
Welcome! We are working on renewing our channel and little by little you will see it! Today we teach you how to make a beautiful floor mat, for our footof bed, I loved it! It is in the form of a tree leaf, I hope you like it, and do not forget to subscribe, a hug and thank you for your visit.
Welcome! We are working on renewing our channel and little by little you will see it! Today we teach you how to make a beautiful floor mat, for our footof bed, I loved it! It is in the form of a tree leaf, I hope you like it, and do not forget to subscribe, a hug and thank you for your visit.
Estilo de vida