• 7 years ago
A giant Australian Hawk Moth (probably Coequosa australasiae) is completing the final stage of its metamorphosis, while being held in the palm of a mans hand.\r
The pupa may spend several weeks to months, buried close to the surface. The emergence (properly called eclosing because its not technically hatching from anything) takes half and hour to an hour, during which time the moth is very vulnerable to predation by birds, ants, etc.\r
After emerging it must find its way to a safe place to hang vertically overnight and throughout the next day, so its wings can dry and stretch out to their full size.\r
This video has really polarised opinion - between those who regard it as one of the most beautiful on Youtube. to those who regard it as a hideous abomination!\r
So in response to both, I have decided to upload the unedited footage - so just in case you cant get enough of the hideous beauty that is The Hatching of the Hawk Moth - now you can see all 7 minutes WITHOUT the soothing background music to lull you into a false sense of security! \r
Thanks to +anan zhang for the link to this video which explains what the fluid is thats secreted out into the baking dish.\r
Here are the most-commented weird/funny comments (in no particular order). Feel free to repeat similar though if you wish :-)\r
Thats a weird looking dog\r
Did it just shit?\r
Use some lotion\r
It looks like a turd\r
Cute but also disgusting\r
Me getting out of skinny jeans\r
Now you just gotta throw the whole hand/arm away\r
wiggle wiggle wiggle\r
In my language pupa means ass\r
It looks like its twerking\r
Something about Metapods evolving\r
Something about Venomoth\r
Something about Miraculous Labybug\r
Something about little Akuma, eg Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize them!\r
Something about Mothra\r
Music is Winter Cabin by Alex Houghton, from the Corel Stock Music Library, CD #7, file name Adult6.wav, Royalty-Free music (c) 1996 Corel Corporation, used here under license.\r
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