How To Choose The Best Veterinarian For My Pet?

  • 6 years ago

Veterinarians are the health professionals responsible for monitoring the health of our pets, to vaccinate them to avoid the presence of parasites that transmit diseases and to track their weight, health and emotional state.

When choosing a veterinarian, we can assess many aspects, such as their curriculum, their training ... But others will see them in their consultation. Because not only is it necessary for you to be qualified; the attention and care it provides and the communication it maintains with the animal are also, as we will see, equally important.

What requirements must the veterinarian of our pet meet?

We collect here to what elements we must pay attention to select the best veterinarian for our pet:

Minimum training

Obviously, the first thing we have to demand is that the veterinarian is such, that is, that he really has a degree or degree in Veterinary whose degree has been issued, or validated in the case of foreign professionals, by a university. That is the priority. We should only rely on qualified veterinarians, no matter how simple the condition our animal presents.

If this specialist also has additional training that completes this degree, much better. All those courses and masters are extra, because the important thing is that only a properly trained veterinarian attends our pet, and not someone with animal knowledge.

Once we start from this base, we can look for a veterinarian with more or less training, with a postgraduate in such an animal or who is an expert in hamsters, for example, if our pet is a rodent.

Where he serves.

That is, the veterinarian must work and care for the animals in a properly accredited clinic and that has all the necessary facilities for this type of service: operating room, care or visiting room, treatment room, laboratory, x-ray, etc. .

Of course, it is also advisable not to be located very far from our home, since, in case we have to go urgently with our animal, we can receive health care before.

Type of service offered

Here it is important to value several things. First, the specialties of the clinic. Like our hospitals, not all veterinary clinics have specialists in all areas. Therefore, to choose, we can assess that the center has experts in various specialties, such as surgery, rehabilitation, traumatology, dentistry, etc. In this way, we will make sure that our companion animal is properly attended when it presents a disease or condition of any kind.

Secondly, another issue that is equally important is that the center attends to emergencies. Not all clinics offer this service, but, no doubt, it is better to look for one that does lend it to cover any eventuality that may arise outside the normal opening hours of the clinic.

Finally, we must pay attention to the care that it offers to the animals and the communication that it establishes with them. Like doctors, we want you to be attentive, patient, empathetic, communi
