Pick image from gallery in android application

  • 6 years ago
Pick image from gallery in android application\r
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Lets assume you are making an app that picks images from android device gallery and attach them to a mail. To make this app you need to know how you can implement image picking feature into your app. So lets learn this today. To start with let us see how to integrate Image Gallery with your App. Consider a requirement, you want your app user to select Image from the Gallery and use that image to do some stuff. For example, in Facebook app you can select Picture from your phone and upload directly to your profile. There are many other apps that uses this features. Twitter, Google+, Yahoo, Gmail and so on. \r
A gallery is a collection of images in android app. This video tutorial teaches us how to use the android gallery application to pick an image and use it inside application. You can download code for this android tutorial at \r
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Pick image from gallery in android application


