• 6 years ago
McLaren have recently launched an updated version of IRIS, their in car entertainment package that can be retrospectively fitted to all MP4-12Cs. After the earliest system never quite met expectations, customer demands have been met with the latest all-singing all-dancing Android based system offering a huge array of features and most importantly a top level of reliability.

With a flurry of upcoming road trips including the Where's Shmee? 2014 Eurotour, Gumball 3000 and another tour in Europe this summer, it was fairly important that my car is ready for the road, and as reviews started to appear it became clear that 'IRIS 2' was required.

This video is shot immediately at the time of installation at McLaren London's service centre, a written piece with more input will follow on http://shmee150.com when I've had the time to put thoughts down on paper but with absolute certainty after just a few drives I can confirm that all 12C owners need to do this upgrade to their car - it's fantastic.

McLaren London can be contacted via http://www.london.mclaren.com/

Thanks for watching, Tim

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