14 of the Worlds Most Bizarre Restaurants

  • 6 years ago
From Calico Cat Cafe to Devil Island Prison Restaurant here are 14 of the Worlds Most Bizarre Restaurants!\r
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6. Devil Island Prison Restaurant\r
Apparently the owner of this dining establishment wanted to scare people off of a life of crime when he created the theme behind his bizarre restaurant. Located in China you are led to your table in handcuffs and served by waiters who double as your jailors while being detained in a prison cell. Whether the owner is really trying to drop crime rates in the area or is just a sick, sadistic person is undetermined.\r
5. Naha Harbor Diner\r
Sitting amongst perfectly normal buildings in Okinawa, Japan once stood this lifesize replica of a banyan tree. The structure was once home to the Naha Harbor Diner, which specialized in organic locally grown food fresh from the farm. Standing twenty feet tall in the middle of the Banyan Town Shopping Center the tree was ually made of concrete and access to the restaurant was gained through a spiral staircase that wound its way up the back or by taking an elevator that ran through the “tree.” As of November new the treehouse was torn down and the area it once occupied was a construction zone. \r
4. Chillout Ice Lounge\r
The Chillout Ice Lounge is the first of its kind in Dubai and serves as a great place to beat the notorious heat of the region during the summer months. Built in 2007 the lounge was refurbished in new and has since become a top destination in a city full of remarkable landmarks. Visitors are given thermal clothing upon arrival to make the lounge, which is kept at a constant temperature of 21 degrees fahrenheit, comfortable. Paintings, tables, chairs, chandeliers, sculptures and replica statues are all carved out of ice to complete the unique dining experience.\r
3. Wizard of the Opera\r
Though copyright reasons restricted the naming options of this restaurant in Tokyo, there is no doubt that its going for a Phantom of the Opera theme. The dining room looks like something out of a sixteenth century Italian opera house while food is served in the shape of music notes and pianos. Operatic music is paired with a dark, foreboding setting that makes Wizard of the Opera a must see for fans of the classic Andrew Lloyd Webber tale. \r
2. Sublimotion\r
Some restaurants have turned to technology to create a dining experience like no other. Sublimotion in Ibiza, Spain provides people with a 15 course meal that doubles as a multi sensory journey. The dining room contains a communal table with seating for 12 and floor to ceiling screens that give the space 360 degree projection capabilities. Food is prepared in accordance with the art of molecular gastronomy and is combined with music, visual stimulation and art that is different with each course. The one of a kind experience also has a one of a kind price of over two thousand dollars, making Sublimotion one of the most expensive restaurants in the world. \r
1. Calico Cat Cafe\r
This adorable cafe in Tokyo, Japan offers a small menu of food items but the main attrion is its two floors filled with a variety of cats and kittens. Armed with a bowl of treats guests are invited to feed and inter with their favorite felines while they munch on a snack and drink of their own. A book filled with biographies of each cat is also provided so you can learn about the cats that you like the most. Hidden in the bustling Shinjuku ward the cafe is difficult to find but seems to be well worth the journey.