• 7 years ago
Diecast Chuggington Trains fit inside Thomas and Friends Take N Play Shed. I was previously disappointed that the wooden versions of Chuggington trains would not fit in the shed but since I purchased the die cast and stack track versions of the Chuggington trains, I realized that they ually fit inside the shed.\r
If you like Chuggington Trains please check out my other videos here:\r
Wilson Carry Case: \r
Chuggington Portable Double Decker Roundhouse: \r
Say Goodnight to Koko: \r
Chuggington Trains Thomas and Friends Diesel a Parody of Three Little Pigs: \r
Chuggington Trains Crossing Platform with Talking Wilson, Koko, and Brewster: \r
Chuggington Trains Wooden Chug Wash for Wooden Railway Tracks: \r
Heres Chuggington Trains in other languages: Trenes Chuggington, Trains Chuggington, Chuggington Züge, treni Chuggington, kereta Chuggington, pociągi Chuggington, Chuggington tog, trens Chuggington, チャギントン列車, chuggington列車, Chuggington поезда, traenacha chuggington\r
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