Castle Point Anime Convention more like Meme-Con amirite????\r
Thank you to everyone who said hi to me! It was really cool getting to meet so many of you in person.! Definitely one of the most surreal experiences of my life lmao. \r
(Im cosplaying Shiro in this video and my girlfriend is cosplaying Keith. I am WELL AWARE of the shipping discourse surrounding Sheith. The two of us are openly affectionate and if that is something that may bother you, feel free to skip this video. That being said, I will NOT tolerate any form of hate or harassment directed toward me, my girlfriend, or anyone else in this video. Any and all negative comments will be deleted.)\r
Wanna buy me a coffee? Go wild:\r
Thank you to everyone who said hi to me! It was really cool getting to meet so many of you in person.! Definitely one of the most surreal experiences of my life lmao. \r
(Im cosplaying Shiro in this video and my girlfriend is cosplaying Keith. I am WELL AWARE of the shipping discourse surrounding Sheith. The two of us are openly affectionate and if that is something that may bother you, feel free to skip this video. That being said, I will NOT tolerate any form of hate or harassment directed toward me, my girlfriend, or anyone else in this video. Any and all negative comments will be deleted.)\r
Wanna buy me a coffee? Go wild:\r