• 7 years ago
At this house from 1935 to1939, the Honey Voiced Judy Garland lived. She lived here while filming The Wizard Of Oz. While filming the ; little Terry The Dog(Her Real Name), or rather Toto, one of the ors playing a Winkie, accidentally stepped on poor ol Terrys paw and broke it. Thus; Judy was lucky to be able to take little Terry to this ex house to convalesce for two weeks with her. Judy grew so attached to little, good, old Terry that she asked Terrys owner for permission to adopt Terry. Carl Spitz; Terrys owner, gave Judy a resounding NO! Terrys name was changed officially to Toto in 1942 because of the publics identification of her not as a dog named Terry but as a proper Toto. Incidentally; Terry was a SHE!


