‪Daughter Inspired by Magic of Aviation for 1st time with Female Pilot + Tropospheric Ducting‬

  • 6 лет назад
Introducing a child to the world of Flying is SO Rewarding! \r
Proud to be associated with ForeFlight: \r
Flight Chops CONTESTS!\r
A new contest EVERY month; shared prizes from all our sponsors totalling over $2500!\r
AND this month thanks to CloudAhoy we have the 1st Flight Chops Debrief Kit with 2 GoPro Hero4 silvers and an intercom audio recording cable. \r
I am SUPER stoked to add a prize from my aviation hero Bob Hoover: Flying the Feathered Edge SIGNED collectible prize pack!\r
Please visit for details!\r
Huge thanks to Kerry for helping make this happen! \r
This flight happened to be during women in aviation week 2016!\r
Tropospheric Ducting - details thanks to Kerry \r
and William Hepburn: Http://\r
- caused by temperature & humidity inversions\r
- warm dry air over cool moist air\r
- 4 types\r
 1. Nighttime Tropo - radiation inversion - most common, caused by radiational cooling @ night, burns off when sun rises\r
 2. High Pressure Tropo - subsidence inversion - causes widespread conditions day or night, caused by sinking (subsiding) air aloft\r
 3. Frontal Tropo - frontal inversion - ahead of warm fronts & behind cold fronts - usually brief\r
 4. Marine Tropo (a.k.a. Lake Effect Tropo in Great Lakes region) - marine inversion - warm dry air advecting over cooler waters, most common in spring/early summer\r
Ducting will often cause false echoes on radar (a.k.a. AP or anomalous propagation).\r
Todays ducting was High Pressure Tropo.\r
In a typical airmass, the temperature drops as you go up in altitude and the humidity increases. Sometimes, under strong high pressure, along a weather front, or over an ocean or lake, this condition is reversed. The temperature may increase with altitude; this is called a temperature inversion. If a temperature inversion is also accompanied by a corresponding humidity inversion, then we have the necessary conditions for anomalous propagation, or A.P.\r
On this chart (tephigram), we have cool moist air on surface, with milder and much drier air aloft, in this case 10% r.h. We can see the sharp boundary that separates the two airmasses just below 1500 above ground. When VHF radio signals, that would normally head straight out into space, hit this boundary they get bent downwards and run parallel to the ground. This results in extended range and, along with that, the potential for increased interference. \r
This (tropospheric ducting forecast) map highlights the areas where there is a potential for A.P. to develop. In this case, propagation between Ontario and Iowa was possible.\r
And here are more links for Kerry: \r
Shes a meteorologist, pilot and awesome photographer. \r
Check out her stuff! \r
Sponsor / Supporter Links:\r
Bose Aviation\r
The Finer Points of Flying - Jason Miller: \r
iCloth Avionics:\r
Scheyden Precision Eyewear\r
Spectrum Airways Flight Training:\r
And thanks to PIVOT case!\r
Get yours at sportys pilot shop!\r
Nonin Medical, Inc.\r
Huge thanks to all the Supporters on Patreon! Productions like this wouldnt be possible without your help!\r
For those that havent seen it, please check the Flight Chops Patreon page to find out how you can be a part of it!\r
If you want to know more about how Patreon works, check out:\r
Flight Chops branding music featured is written and produced by Chris and Rob from Big Honkin Spaceship For all your music and post sound needs, please check them out at:\r
I am a weekend warrior private pilot, I fly for fun with no intentions of going commercial. I have had my PPL for over 15 years, but still consider each flight a learning experience - I generally take detailed notes after each flight to remind myself what went well or what I could do to improve.. Having the GoPro cameras to record flights like this is invaluable. I find these self analysis videos very helpful in my constant quest to improve, and am happy to share. Feedback is invited; however, please keep it positive.
