13 Most Insane Animal Architects

  • 6 年前
13 craziest structures that animals ually build you wont believe theyre real its shocking to see the architecture made by wildlife. \r
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6. Prairie Dogs\r
There are plenty of burrowing rodents that live in the world, but the prairie dog is probably the most familiar to a lot of people. They are native to the grasslands of North America and they can burrow up to almost 10 feet into the ground. They do this because it is an important defense mechanism against the, sometimes, difficult environment. The burrows defend against intense heat, blizzards, floods, droughts, and brush fires. They even build little aqueducts to help gather rainwater for whenever they are short of it. They also build rooms that serve specific purposes. There are chambers for them to nurse their young, chambers for the winter, and chambers for the night. These smart little animals also build burrows that are specifically meant to prevent flooding from reaching into the main burrows. For predators, they build holes to not only hide from them, but also to listen to them approaching. Lets just say that city planners in urban areas should study prairie dogs more often.\r
5. Red Ovenbird\r
This ovenbird or Rufous hornero can be found in South America and its ually the national bird of Argentina. These birds built sturdy nests out of mud. They are named ovenbirds because their nests resemble a clay oven on top of a tree. These nests take quite a while to build too. They can take five days, or even months to build. The nests are occupied by the birds for up to a year, long enough to mate, lay eggs, and raise their young. It is common to see several nests next to each other so that the birds can house all of their young. They also sometimes repair unused nests to use instead of building a new one. Their nests also can become the home of other species of birds once they are abandoned.\r
4. Colored Wasps Nests\r
This wasp nest gained its technicolor quality when biological science student Mattia Menchetti fed multicolored paper to paper wasps for them to build their nests. The paper wasps typically build their nests by chewing up wood until it becomes pulpy enough for them to form it into a nest shape. This wasps saliva ually naturally waterproofs the nest as well.\r
3. Montezuma Oropendola\r
That name may be a handful and these nests might look like bats that were cursed to become straw, but they are birds nest, we promise. These birds are endemic to the New World, or the earths western hemisphere. It also prefers tropical regions like South America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. The nests are made out of grass and vines and they can be built high up in the trees. The birds are also said to have an “unforgettable” song which is a nice way of saying stupid. Its been described as a bunch of bubbling sounds that turn into loud gurgling. The nests can be built for a colony of up to 30 individual birds. The colony of these birds is typically made up of an alpha male and then a large group of females.\r
2. Honey Bees\r
These important little insects are ually just one species of over 20,000 types of bees. Their nests are pretty iconic because they store honey, which is hugely popular all over the world. Their nests are built yearly and they contain a whole colony of bees. There are some subspecies of honey bees, including one that cant sting you, but the honey bees that we know and love is the Western Honey Bee. They are the ones that can be used to farm for honey. Their nests are ually made out of wax which is secreted from aof glands that can be found in the bees abdomen. These bees are disappearing, though. Just recently seven species of bees were put on the endangered list.\r
All termites build some pretty impressive nests, but most impressive, in sheer size, is the cathedral termite. They build the largest mounds out of all the termite species. Their mounds can reach heights of 15 feet. Theyre considered to be the most complex structure in the insect world. They have a system of chimneys, pinnacles, and ridges. They even build a spacious chamber for the king and queen. They have a similar caste system to bees and ants, where workers and soldiers do all of the heavy lifting for the colony. These unique little pests can be found on every continent except for Antarctica, but if you are looking for some Australia would be your best bet.


