• 7 years ago
Hoarding is more common than you think, here are 13 EXTREME hoarding stories gone WRONG. \r
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7 - Richard Wallace - Richard Wallace is a hoarder whose claim to fame is that you could see his junk pile with Google Earth. He had been accumulating his hoard for over 34 years, which grew to include several cars, newspapers, and mounds of trash. His junk pile eventually outgrew his home and indeed became higher than his house. His neighbors finally had enough and called the authorities. However when they tried to remove the junk Wallace stated that it was his “human right” to hoard. Eventually over 30 tons of junk was removed and Wallace sought out psychological help for his condition. \r
6 - Penny & Steve Lefkowitz - Penny & Steve Lefkowitz were well intentioned animal lovers who started the Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary. However, things quickly got out of hand when Penny & Steve could not keep up with the number of cats being dropped off by local residents. The couple could not keep up, despite spending over $30,000 a year to run the sanctuary. Eventually the authorities were called in and the couple became one of the top three worst animal cases according to the Humane Society. When the authorities showed up they recovered 697 cats, of which 100 had to be euthanized due to health complications. The couple was eventually arrested on 47 counts of animal cruelty.\r
5 - Kenneth Epstein - Kenneth Epstein inherited his mothers duplex apartment in Las Vegas and shortly after taking possession, his neighbors began to notice junk accumulating by the entranceway and foul odors coming from the apartment. The home was cited for numerous code violations dating back to 2007. Finally the authorities were called to intervene. When they arrived at the home they found it filled with junk. Unlike most hoarders, Epstein did not leave a path through the junk, so the items had to be removed to even gain entry into the apartment. After clearing out 60% of the garbage, the authorities found 33 living cats, 9 dead cats, and six refrigerators full of food, which was so rotten it had liquefied. It was declared one of the worst cases of hoarding Las Vegas had ever seen. \r
4 - Roger Blew - In March new, authorities were called to the house of Roger Blew. After inspecting the premises, they declared it one of the worst cases of animal hoarding they had ever seen in Iowa. They found over 350 animals, including pigs, rabbits, and ducks, living in squalid conditions. To make matters worse they found a large number of dead animals mixed in with the live ones. The dead animals were in various states of decay, from recently died to piles of bones. Blew was charged with 28 counts of animal neglect. \r
3 - Spanish Hoarder - A 51 year old man who lived in Spain was discovered by police after a friend had not heard from him on Facebook or Whatsapp for 6 days. The man was a hoarder who was believed to be suffering from Diogenes syndrome, a condition in which people compulsively collect things while neglecting themselves. Upon searching the house, the police found piles of garbage everywhere. His dead body was eventually found wedged between a collapsed garbage heap and the door to the house. The authorities believe the garbage pile fell and pinned the man who was unable to move it to open the door.\r
2 - Dog Hoarder - Many hoarders collect garbage and miscellaneous items, but some also collect animals. Such was the case of an Arkansas dog lover who hoarded dogs. Neighbors had called the authorities to the house and the police were shocked by what they discovered. They found the recently dead body of the woman being eaten by her own dogs. In all, the authorities found over 50 malnourished and aggressive dogs on her property and even had to remove 9 dogs just to get to the body. Shockingly this was not the first time the authorities had made a visit to the house. 3 years earlier they had removed 103 dogs for similar unsanitary conditions.\r
1 - Rita Wolfensohn - Rita Wolfensohn is a hoarder who is also legally blind, which makes for a deadly combination. Rita needed to go to the hospital and her sister-in-law arrived at her house to pick up some of her things. What she found was grisly. As she was making her way through the junk that filled the house, she found a completely int and clothed human skeleton. The skeleton turned out to be Ritas son Louis, who had disappeared 20 years ago at the age of 29. Rita told the authorities that she thought her son had just moved out.


