• 7 年前
This video shows how to sign basic American Sign Language (ASL) signs for beginners to learn to communicate with Deaf people more easily. This video is the second part to the original 25 Basic ASL Signs for Beginners video posted (linked here if you havent watched yet :) ** ** ). Click more to read more. \r
Hi!! :) I know this video is a little too fast for some of you and Im so sorry about that!! Will try to slow down in the next lesson video!! ;-) If you use Instagram on a daily basis, you should come join us on Instagram!! :) I teach a sign or two almost everyday!! @SignedWithHeart \r
I will film a new video soon showing 25 more signs (making it 75 basic ASL signs) so be sure to subscribe so you dont miss a video!! :) \r
** Quick 411 ** \r
There are a few different American Sign Language (ASL) variations for “what”, “who”, and “why”. I only showed one of each. I will show other variations later. Also, I will film a video soon explaining more about the whole eyebrows thing. Basically, you lower your eyebrows when asking a WH-question (including HOW) and then you raise your eyebrows when asking a “Do you…” question (questions that youre expecting either a yes or no response). Also, the sign for “learn”, if you sign it just once then it means “learn” (I want to learn sign language) but if you want to say you are currently learning, emphasis on the “ing”, then signing “learn” twice will show that youre currently learning. Hope this quick 411 helps!! :) \r
If you have any questions about the signs shown in the video or related to sign language in general, feel free to comment below in the comment section. :)\r
Here is the list of the 25 basic American Sign Language (ASL) words and phrases taught in the video:\r
Me \r
1) He / She\r
2) They \r
3) We\r
Possessive Pronouns \r
My / Mine\r
4) Your\r
5) His / Her\r
6) Their\r
7) Our\r
5 Ws ** Starts at 1:40 if youd like to skip past the pronouns ** \r
8) What\r
9) When \r
10) Where\r
11) Who\r
12) Why\r
Basic Signing Words ** Starts at 2:47\r
13) No problem\r
14) Not sure\r
15) Dont know\r
16) Oh I see\r
17) Cool\r
18) From\r
19) Live\r
20) Here\r
21) Now\r
Beginner Signing Phrases ** Starts at 4:28\r
22) Learning - Im learning sign language.\r
23) Fingerspell - Please fingerspell that again.\r
Where are you from?\r
Do you live here? \r
Im from …\r
I live here\r
24) Have to - I have to go / leave now.\r
25) Bye (same as hello / hi)\r
Thanks for watching and taking the time to learn sign language. :) \r
Any questions about the signs shown in the video or related to sign language in general?? Dont hesitate to ask- comment below in the comment section. :)\r
Again, be sure to subscribe so you dont miss a video!! :) \r
Instagram: @SignedWithHeart


