• 7 years ago
Paw Patrol to the rescue set with Play Doh Chase and Marshall with Everest ion figures, by ToysReviewToys. New Paw Patrol dough play set making each figure. The Paw Patrol ion figures see each Play Doh figure. There is every Play Doh charer for the Paw Patrol cast at the command center. This video is made the ToysReviewToys channel in collaboration with the DisneyCarToys channel.\r
Below are the videos in the annotations at the end of this video:\r
Paw Patrol Everest Rescue Snowmobile Saves Rocky from Avalanche\r
Paw Patrol Chase and Rubble Rescue Everest and Walrus\r
Paw Patrol Marshall Gets Hurt on Slide in the Look-Out Play Set\r
Paw Patrol Rescues Duplo Lego Spiderman from a Dirt Pile\r
Paw Patrol Duplo Lego House Collapse and Rescue of Everest\r
Paw Patrol Rescue Duplo Lego Spiderman at Adventure Bay Townset\r
Watch my other Paw Patrol videos:\r
Paw Patrol Duplo Lego Construct a Pup Marshall Statue Falls Over \r
Paw Patrol Air Rescue Rocky Trains Penguins to Fly Saved by Chase\r
Paw Patrol Air Pups Ferris Wheel Air Rescue Chase and Marshall\r
Paw Patrol Air Patroller Air Pups Save Duplo Lego Spiderman\r
Paw Patrol New Tracker and Apollo Toys from Spin Master\r
Paw Patrol Jumbo Action Pup Giant Skye Toys Saving Animals \r
Paw Patrol New Aquadoodle Toy Mat Drawing Puppy Paw Prints\r
Paw Patrol Cowboy Marshall and Sheriff Chase Put Rubble in Jail\r
Subscribe to my channel ToysReviewToys, and my wifes channel, DisneyCarToys. We review toys and make toy adventures!\r
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Watch my Paw Patrol Playlist:\r
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