S. Korea reaffirms China not principal in replacing armistice agreement with peace treaty

  • 6 years ago
통일부, '종전협정에 중국 참여 가능, 포함되야하는건 아냐'; '김정은 비핵화 구체적 내용 북미회담때 논의하겠다해'

South Korea's unification ministry said Friday that Seoul's view... is that China can in fact take part in possible three-or-four-way talks on replacing the Korean War armistice agreement with a peace treaty.
However, Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon clarified that does not mean those talks require Beijing to take part,... refuting earlier reports that said China would have to be a principal party.
The armistice formalizing a ceasefire between the two Koreas was signed in 1953 by three parties,... the UN Command, North Korea and China.
On the issue of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, Minister Cho said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un mentioned that the details of the regime's denuclearization will be discussed during his summit with U.S. President Donald Trump.
Cho also said the South Korean government will work hard to ensure that summit is a success.


