Prize-winning wildlife photo deemed fake, features stuffed anteater

  • 6 years ago
LONDON — An award-winning wildlife photo has been revealed as a hoax, according to a news release from the Natural History Museum.

The image of an anteater in Brazil's Emas National Park won Wildlife Photographer of the Year in 2017 but it turns out it was too good to be true. According to organizers of the competitions, London's Natural History Museum, the image is a hoax.

Anonymous sources questioned the photo's legitimacy in March, prompting the museum to investigate further. Experts deduced that the anteater in question is a stuffed one taken from the visitor center in Emas National Park.

The museum says experts investigating the hoax concluded that the animal's "posture, morphology raised tufts of fur and patterns on the neck" and were are all too similar to be different.

Marcio Cabral, the photographer of the image, maintains that the anteater was real and says he even has a witness. The museum disqualified Cabral from the prize, removed his name from the exhibition and say he won't be able to enter future contests.


