No Escaping from the Charm of Maverick Malaysia

  • 6 years ago
Of late, Malaysia has drawn in backpackers and classy travellers all alike. What seems to set the tune with all is its unconventional aura. While on one side, the Twin Towers of the Petronas building leave no space for a guesswork about the top pace of advancement, the carefully preserved heritage buildings of Malacca is like the umbilical cord joining the neo-developing society with years of rich tradition.

Penang is an exceptionally rich state and is particularly famous for her eye candy beaches. The nighttime view of the capital city of George Town could even compete with the scintillating cities of the first world countries.

More than a quick photo stop opportunity for the tourists, A’Famosa in Malacca is one of the surviving gems of all the earliest European architectural remains. Here, the history has been written in layers.

Taman Negara
If you want to feel the soul of Malaysia, you need to take a detour to its rainforests. Hundred million years old caves located amidst an even earlier setting- Taman Negara is a must visit place.

Perhentian Islands
Malaysia and its diverse ranges of water sports are inseparable. Never miss the opportunity of exploring the hidden underwater marvels during a scuba diving stint in the Perhentian islands.

Kuala Lumpur
There is more than meets the eyes of a shopaholic in Kuala Lumpur. Soak in the soothing airs of the Cameron Highlands tea plantation that is about 4 hours driving distance from the Malaysian capital city.

Key to this Wonder Land is with ‘Alter Domus’- the official agent of MM2H visa.

Level #1, 48 Pahang Road
10400 Georgetown
Penang, Malaysia
Phone: + 604 229 4826

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