Why Ego is the Enemy - How to Become Massively Successful - Ryan Holiday

  • 6 years ago
A must read! \r
Are you looking for a way to continue your own success, but seem bottlenecked at the amount of achievements youre currently at? Well, your problem may be in the way youre looking at yourself. Ryan Holiday wrote his book Ego is the Enemy to teach us that we should keep ourselves from getting a big head to avoid a broken heart upon failure, and letting our accomplishments blind us. \r
Script written by LonelyBookaneer: \r
First lets start by defining ego; if we base ourselves on the definition of Ryan Holiday from the book, ego is an unhealthy belief in your own importance. \r
We often talk about the f that we need to have confidence. Confidence in f, helps us to believe that we are important, we matter in the world and its possible to achieve the things that we set to do. But that same confidence unchecked can easily turn into arrogance, entitlement, delusion and self-centered attention. Ryan compares a strong ego to a petulant child, the one that is inside every one of us, and chooses to get it his or her way over anything or anyone else. The need to be better than, more than, recognized for, far past any reasonable utility. And thats why Ego is the enemy!\r
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