• 7 years ago
--- CLICK HERE ---\r
So, Im feeling much better today and absolutely lovely walking around in this makeup!\r
This whole look took approximately one hour to complete.\r
Also there is no magical menu in this video - because its all about the eyes anyhow!\r
Mac Pro website\r
Upon looking myself at the website, I couldnt find the mail order number quickly and easily -- I would recommend googling it, or speaking to a mac artist!\r
HOW TO APPLY FALSE LASHES (another tutorial by me)\r
Products used in this tutorial\r
Spider Web\r
- Silver Pigment -- macPRO\r
- Black Black acrylics -- macPRO\r
- Makeup lock and seal -- ELF cosmetics\r
- Silver Cosmetic Glitter\r
- Black kohl eyeliner - BarryM\r
- Marshmallow 101 -- BarryM\r
I also finished this look off with a generous spritz of Urban Decays All Nighter fixing spray.\r
Dont forget to Subscribe!\r
Until next time beautifuls,\r
Michael James xoxo\r
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search - xxmichaeljames My PO box is currently closed - dont worry, it will be up and open again soon! .\r
Dont forget to Subscribe!\r
Bye beautifuls,\r
Luxeria xoxo\r
Business enquires\r
My Facebook\r
My Instagram\r
search - xxLuxeria


