In this video youll learn 5 ways to PISS OFF Italians. Try them (or not, lol) if you have Italian friends:)\r
While the first case applies to all people, the other four concern foreigners coming to Italy. \r
Can you relate to any of these? Do you know other ways? And how do you piss off people in your country? Tell us about it in the comments below, lets have a laughter together:)\r
Follow us on the channel DOLCE VITA and learn not only the language but also the Italian culture, plus travel tips, etc.!\r
Today were going to have fun discovering how to piss off Italians. Im going to tell you about five ways..\r
Just keep in mind that these are just five of the many ways to piss us off and at the end of this video Im going to ask you two questions.\r
Lets start! Number one: we get really upset when were in traffic. You have no idea how Italians get angry in the traffic. Its crazy! You know, it seems like they go to war. So, if somebody is slowing down the traffic, best case scenario you just get somebody honking at you, but otherwise you get people rolling down the window, yelling at you cornuto maledetto, or other stuff Im not really gonna say here.What is cornuto? Cornuto is like.youre woman is cheating on you and, let me tell you, for Italians this is one of the worst insults ever! So, be careful. Number two is mess with our food. Please, dont do that! Dont come here and mess with our food, because we take food so seriously, our culture is food based. So, dont come here and say you know, all kinds of pasta are the same, it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter?! Are you kidding me?! It does matter so much! Fusilli are not the same as spaghetti, and spaghetti are not the same as conchiglie or rigatoni. Theyre all different, they all have different flavors and they all go with different sauces. So, please, dont say that, ok? And please, dont put ketchup on spaghetti! What the hell is that about?! Ketchup on spaghetti?! Are you kidding me?! No way, I think you might risk your life if you do that. Of course Im kidding, but maybe not so much. And one other thing, if the package says cook for 12 minutes, 14 minutes, do it for two minutes less. Why? Because we like our pasta al dente and if its not al dente we call it scotta, overcooked, and forget about it, theres no way you can it that, were not gonna eat it and if you cook it for us that way, then were not friends anymore, ok? So, number three: ok, youre a foreigner, you come visit me as a guest and Ill show you to the bathroom. You go in, you look at one thing that looks like something and you dont know quite what it is. So youre like, what is that?. Thats called bidet. Why do we have that? Well, I dont know why its just in Italy but.we wash our sedere, ok. We wash our sedere after doing, you know what, ok? And we dont want you to tell us that thing is disgusting, because if you say that..What?! Disgusting?! Are you kidding me?! Youre disgusting because you dont wash your.ok? So, dont say that. Number four: it has to do with coffee. Coffee is another thing we take really really seriously. So, our coffee is called espresso and this is espresso, very very short. If you ask for instant coffee, long coffee, what do you call it, americano? No, Im sorry, Im really sorry to say this to you but americano, long coffee, instant coffee, thats toilet flush, thats what we call it here. So, dont ever ask for that kind of coffee, just drink your espresso and enjoy it. And also, remember, dont ever ask for cappuccino at dinner. If you ask for it in the afternoon, Iike, I dont know, 3-4 oclock in the afternoon, it might be ok. But if you ask it for dinner, after dinner, forget about it, you know, you really dont wanna do that, ok? And finally number five: walking barefoot in the house. No, you dont do that. If you come to my place and take your shoes off, you know what Im gonna tell you? What the hell are you doing? Why are you taking your shoes off?. We dont do that, we dont walk barefoot in the house, we walk with our shoes on and we like it that way. So, please, dont come to our houses and do that, ok? \r
This video:\r
While the first case applies to all people, the other four concern foreigners coming to Italy. \r
Can you relate to any of these? Do you know other ways? And how do you piss off people in your country? Tell us about it in the comments below, lets have a laughter together:)\r
Follow us on the channel DOLCE VITA and learn not only the language but also the Italian culture, plus travel tips, etc.!\r
Today were going to have fun discovering how to piss off Italians. Im going to tell you about five ways..\r
Just keep in mind that these are just five of the many ways to piss us off and at the end of this video Im going to ask you two questions.\r
Lets start! Number one: we get really upset when were in traffic. You have no idea how Italians get angry in the traffic. Its crazy! You know, it seems like they go to war. So, if somebody is slowing down the traffic, best case scenario you just get somebody honking at you, but otherwise you get people rolling down the window, yelling at you cornuto maledetto, or other stuff Im not really gonna say here.What is cornuto? Cornuto is like.youre woman is cheating on you and, let me tell you, for Italians this is one of the worst insults ever! So, be careful. Number two is mess with our food. Please, dont do that! Dont come here and mess with our food, because we take food so seriously, our culture is food based. So, dont come here and say you know, all kinds of pasta are the same, it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter?! Are you kidding me?! It does matter so much! Fusilli are not the same as spaghetti, and spaghetti are not the same as conchiglie or rigatoni. Theyre all different, they all have different flavors and they all go with different sauces. So, please, dont say that, ok? And please, dont put ketchup on spaghetti! What the hell is that about?! Ketchup on spaghetti?! Are you kidding me?! No way, I think you might risk your life if you do that. Of course Im kidding, but maybe not so much. And one other thing, if the package says cook for 12 minutes, 14 minutes, do it for two minutes less. Why? Because we like our pasta al dente and if its not al dente we call it scotta, overcooked, and forget about it, theres no way you can it that, were not gonna eat it and if you cook it for us that way, then were not friends anymore, ok? So, number three: ok, youre a foreigner, you come visit me as a guest and Ill show you to the bathroom. You go in, you look at one thing that looks like something and you dont know quite what it is. So youre like, what is that?. Thats called bidet. Why do we have that? Well, I dont know why its just in Italy but.we wash our sedere, ok. We wash our sedere after doing, you know what, ok? And we dont want you to tell us that thing is disgusting, because if you say that..What?! Disgusting?! Are you kidding me?! Youre disgusting because you dont wash your.ok? So, dont say that. Number four: it has to do with coffee. Coffee is another thing we take really really seriously. So, our coffee is called espresso and this is espresso, very very short. If you ask for instant coffee, long coffee, what do you call it, americano? No, Im sorry, Im really sorry to say this to you but americano, long coffee, instant coffee, thats toilet flush, thats what we call it here. So, dont ever ask for that kind of coffee, just drink your espresso and enjoy it. And also, remember, dont ever ask for cappuccino at dinner. If you ask for it in the afternoon, Iike, I dont know, 3-4 oclock in the afternoon, it might be ok. But if you ask it for dinner, after dinner, forget about it, you know, you really dont wanna do that, ok? And finally number five: walking barefoot in the house. No, you dont do that. If you come to my place and take your shoes off, you know what Im gonna tell you? What the hell are you doing? Why are you taking your shoes off?. We dont do that, we dont walk barefoot in the house, we walk with our shoes on and we like it that way. So, please, dont come to our houses and do that, ok? \r
This video:\r
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