Sales ki Pathshala - Sales Management - SME CEO’s

  • 6 years ago
Strategic Concepts (I) Pvt Ltd, Nagpur has taken this initiative of providing a weekly dose of sales management for SME CEO's who feel the need for the same. Every Wednesday, 9 -10 am. This seminar is FREE but prior registration is a must.

(FAQ) about Sales Ki Pathshala

Why is SCIPL Conducting this program free of charge and how long will it do so?

This program is conducted free of cost so that willing CEO’s can understand the function of Sales in its right perspective. The program is intended to be free forever.

Who is eligible to participate in this program?

CEO of a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)

Can a company depute its senior employees for this program?

Yes, if there is a written request to this effect from the CEO of a company with a minimum turnover of Rs 50 crores and above.

What kind of topics will be covered in this Pathshala?

Lead Generation, Sales Process, Sales Negotiation, Sales and Service, Customer Service, Customer experience, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Service Recovery, Moments of Truth, Sales Metrics, Sales Negotiations, Sales Ecosystem, Sales Training, Sales Incentives and similar topics.

Can a SME CEO attend this program more than once?

There is no limit to the number of programs that you can attend free of cost, as long as you have a valid prior registration.

What are the other facilities provided under this initiative?

Every person who attends this program has the privilege of a free meeting of one hour with our senior consultants and discuss their challenges.

If you want to invite Mr. Sanjay Singh for a Training, Seminar or Event, then please click on the link: or Call at +91- 9970506000

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