15 Creepy Images Discovered Around The Web

  • 6 years ago
Hopefully, some of these creepy photos wont give you nightmares! Look close in some pics and other pics just dont get too scared. \r
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# 10 Hornet Nest in the Shape of a Face\r
One person came home to find this ominous entity growing outside their home. Of course, they assumed that the god of hornets had appeared before them to leave an apocalyptic omen. No, just kidding this is just what happens when a group of hornets makes its nest on top of one of your decorative masks. Although, a creepy faced nest full of probably aggressive hornets still isnt the best thing to see. \r
# 9 Bloody Mess\r
When this image first made its rounds on the internet a whole slew of conspiracy theories and hokey stories were weaved to explain what could have possibly happened to cause this huge bloody mess. Was it some kind of cult group suicide? A massacre? A satanic ritual that required 10 gallons of blood? This is apparently what happens when a Horse gets a nosebleed. This is a room at a veterinarians where a horse was being watched carefully since a horse nose bleed can apparently be pretty fatal. Judging by this bloody aftermath, its easy to see why.\r
# 8 Hes Watching\r
Imagine walking through your house when you feel a presence watching you. You look up and suddenly see a vague figure in the shadow and realize its a man - a humanoid shape that is definitely not human. Thats the story behind this truly creepy image. Luckily, its not a story from real life but one from a video game. This was one of the most frightening moments from a short video game demo called P.T. from Guillermo del Toro and Hideo Kojima.\r
# 7 Redbox Demon\r
This is apparently a screencap from a security camera right next to a RedBox at Ralphs. It captured an odd occurrence in which a girl seems to be suddenly bending her head at an unnatural angle with extreme force. What could she be looking at? Why is she doing that? And why are her eyes completely white? Theres no way to know. Im just glad I wasnt in line behind her. \r
# 6 A Nanny on A Walk.\r
Mannequins are possibly the creepiest things in existence. Whats more off-putting than slightly inaccurate, faceless, lifeless copies of a human-made specifically for us to decorate with real people clothes? How about the ex same thing but theyre also armless children. Thats probably why this image of a woman casually carrying a small group of mannequin kids in public is so creepy. It just feels so wrong!\r
# 5 Graveyard Snowmen\r
Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like snowmen in the winter! Well, maybe not these snowmen, which look more like decrepit ghouls that were built right next to a grave rather than a holly, jolly friend to all. These two are snowmen that you definitely dont want to put a magical hat on and sing a hopeful song to. If this came to life, it would definitely be a new twist on the old Frosty the Snowman tale. Thats definitely one gritty franchise reboot we dont want to see. \r
# 4 A Visitor From the Fog\r
These teens did what every teen loves to do: explore the forest alone in the fog. When has that ever gone wrong, right? Well, you might notice that there isnt just three people in the photo, but four. Off in the distance is a distinctly man-shaped figure obscured by the fog. Just in case you dont know, the reason you dont want to visit the forest during a foggy day (or ever?) is that sometimes creepy creatures will appear in it and probably haunt you for eternity, or whatever. \r
# 3 Japanese Monster Children\r
Weve already established the f that all mannequins are creepy as hell. You know whats even creepier? Weird, uncanny valley monster children mannequins. Nothing makes you want to visit a stores sale section like scary mannequins with horrific expressions yelling at you to do it. If you dont you just might have to face the consequences, like that screaming mannequin boy visiting you at night and asking you why oh why you didnt buy anything from his store.\r
# 2 God is Watching You\r
Nothing to remind you not to sin like this picture of hundreds of pastors, priests, and bishops alike staring at you with glowing eyes. Whether this image was created because of a low light and flash at the time of photographing or was manipulated after the f, theres still no denying the unnerving sensation you feel from just having a bunch of holy men staring at you. But, the white glowing eyes definitely adds to the creepiness. \r
# 1 Head in a Jar\r
Coming home to your husbands head stuffed inside a jar is probably the worst possible way to end your day. Thats what happened to this mans wife when she opened the fridge and found her dearly beloved had been crudely pickled. Luckily, t


