14 SCARIEST Diseases

  • 6年前
You wont believe these 14 most horrifying diseases and conditions that people ually have, even alien hand syndrome!\r
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# 10 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva \r
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva or (FOP) is an extremely rare disease affecting the connective tissue in the body. It causes the fibrous tissues (like muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to turn into bone spontaneously or when damaged. It is sometimes called stone man syndrome because it will slowly turn a persons body completely into bone, making them seem frozen in place like a statue. \r
# 9 Brainerd Diarrhea\r
Brainerd Diarrhea is a sudden onset of watery and explosive diarrhea that can last for months and months and cannot be treated by antibiotics. What makes this worse is that the cause is unknown and there is currently no known treatment for it. Luckily for us, Brainerd Diarrhea does seem to resolve itself, however, unluckily for us, it can take months to years to play itself out. It was first described in Brainerd, Minnesota in 1983, which is where it got its name. \r
# 8 Noma\r
Noma disease also known as cancrum oris, is a rapidly progressive, microbial and gangrenous infection of the mouth or genitals. It is caused by berial organisms but is more common in those who are malnourished, price poor hygiene, and have immunodeficiency diseases such as AIDS. Symptoms include the degeneration of tissues around mouth ulcers and eventually the degeneration of bones as well. This often results in the exposure of the sufferers mouth and teeth, creating windows into their mouths. \r
# 7 Ondines Curse\r
Ondines Curse, formally known as central hypoventilation syndrome or CHS is a respiratory disorder wherein the sufferer has to ively remember to breathe. It is named after the French and German folk tale known as Ondine - a nymph who cursed her lover to stop breathing when he fell asleep. Actual sufferers of the disease often have to be hooked up to respirators while they sleep so that they dont suffocate. It is usually found in infants, but it can also appear in adults after major surgery or trauma. \r
# 6 Aquagenic urticaria\r
Aquagenic urticaria is a fancy word which is more simply known as an allergy to water. It is not technically an allergy as histamine isnt released by the body when exposed to water. However, it does result in painful rashes that break out whenever water touches the skin. It is believed to be a genetic disorder, however not much is known about it. Sufferers with this condition often cannot drink water or even take baths, forcing them to stay hydrated by eating vegetables and fruits and cleanse themselves with sponge baths. \r
# 5 Porphyria\r
Porphyria is a group of diseases sometimes colloquially called Vampires Disease because it comes with a set of symptoms that are often associated with traits shared with most mythological folklore surrounding vampires. Most manifestations of the disease cause sufferers to have a sensitivity to light resulting in blisters and rashes when exposed to the sun have a shrinking of their gums which cause their teeth to gain a sharp and canine-like appearance and produce urine that is purple to reddish in color. \r
# 4 Limbal Dermoids\r
Limbal Dermoids are tumors of the eye that form on the limbus part of the cornea. It can cause vision problems but are otherwise benign and not cancerous. However, besides their painful appearance, they also grow ual hair. Out of your eyes. \r
# 3 Waterhouse-Friderichsen\r
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome is an adrenal gland failure that occurs due to bleeding into the adrenal glands. This infection results in a massive hemorrhage into one or both of the glands, leading to a massive blood invasion, mass organ failure, coma, low blood pressure, shock and eventually death. Before all that, it can cause a flooding of pus in your brain that can send you into a crazed zombie-like state of mind. \r
# 2 Necrotizing Fasciitis\r
Necrotizing Fasciitis (neck-ro-tie-zing Fas-e-i-tis) is a severe berial infection of the skin that quickly spreads throughout the bodys soft tissue. Necrotizing literally means “causing the death of tissues” which is a pretty accurate description of the disease. The flesh-eating infection causes fevers, chills, vomiting, and inflammation of the skin that causes it to rot. \r
# 1 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis\r
Tree-Man Syndrome is an extremely rare hereditary skin disorder the resulting in uncontrolled HPV infections that result in scaly macules and papules and particularly on the hands and feet. The texture of these skin infections have been compared to bark. There is no known treatment for the proliferation of these
