• 7 years ago
STARSKY & HUTCH GET ANGRY was a Second (very) limited-edition DVD issued to family and friends the year following A SUNDAY IN PARADISE.

Viewers should not be put-off by the relative 'antiquity' of the films. Although some subjects relate to events of that time, some are still topical.

We do wonder why so many views are gained by videos of Speakers' Corner that show Muslims and Christians in unresolvable arguments, based on (partly) channelled books that are centuries old!

These videos start and finish right in the middle of pointless arguments. Other Speakers' Corner videos show disjointed fragments with no continuity or context. Mocking the orators is the standard cliché.

HUE'S VIDEOS posted to Dailymotion {{Je dis , je vous remercie pour toute l'humanité}} are proper little movies, even having 'borrowed' Music by the Great Master currently incarnate as "ENNIO MORRICONE".. The viewer gets to see much more of actual speeches.

We have also borrowed of course the names of the famous TV characters created by William Blint.

This sequel again features Nicholas Scholes and Hugh Hue Carroll, two among the Corner's finest Speakers. Over the years both NICHOLAS and HUE have given hundreds of impromptu public talks at the famous Hyde Park venue, all without the aide-memoire of a prepared text below them on a lectern ~ and certainly no teleprompter!

For these speakers, there was and is much to be angry about....
