Cute Chihuahua Dog Tricks and Agility

  • 6 years ago
Chihuahua SL presents 6 cute long-haired chihuahuas - Dixie, Augusto, Mathilda, Ziara, Pinci and Carlos - showing adorable tricks and agility they have learned. \r
Chihuahua Sõprade Liit (The Union of the Friends of Chihuahuas) in Estonia organizes training sessions where small dogs can learn tricks and run through a custom-made miniature agility course. We also teach chihuahuas how to solve funny and educating puzzle games meant for dogs.\r
These chihuahuas have learned tricks and priced running through the agility course for three years now. Some of them were still puppies when they started. Tricks in this video arent everything these cute little dogs know, however. There are over thirty different tricks and more obstacles on the agility course. In every price the difficulty level of the track differs.\r
Overall 34 chihuahuas attend the training sessions organized by Chihuahua Sõprade Liit. But since owners of some other small dog breeds were also interested in these prices, two dachshunds, a Moscow Toy Terrier (long-haired Russian Toy Terrier), two Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkie), two Pomeranians (Dwarf Spitz, Pom), a West Highland White Terrier (Westie) and even two Springer Spaniels joined in. Its saddening that small lap dogs are often considered as stupid, because this is far from the truth. Chihuahua is an intelligent dog breed and a fast learner and so are Yorkies and Pomeranians. Interestingly enough, more often than once, dogs with problem behavior are the quickest to learn new tricks.\r
These pups like to give back and so theyve performed these tricks at various charity events - for children without parental care at SOS Childrens Village and at dog match shows and other dedicated events helping to raise money for homeless dogs. As these dogs are well-trained and –behaved a lot of them also have a considerable modelling and ing careers posing at designer dog clothing runway shows and advertisements as well as other ads and appearances in Estonian TV shows and even s.\r
Dog trainer: Krista Laanet\r
Video: Martin Ilustrumm\r
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Chihuahua Sõprade Liit korraldab sülekoertele trikiõpet ja spetsiaalselt selleks otstarbeks valmistatud miniatuursel agilityrajal trenne. Samuti õpetame chihuahuadele kuidas lahendada koertele mõeldud nuputamismänge, mida on meil kokku üle 20 erineva. Selles videos näitavad oma oskusi 6 armast pikakarvalist chihuahuat - Dixie, Augusto, Mathilda, Ziara, Pinci ja Carlos.\r
Videos esinevad chihuahuad on trikke õppinud ja agility-rajal harjutanud kolm aastat. Videos nähtu ei ole kõik, mida need nutikad chihuahuad on selgeks õppinud, erinevaid trikke on kokku üle kolmekümmne ja agilityrajal on takistusi veel. Igal tunnil tuleb läbida erineva raskusastmega rada. \r
Meie liidu trennis käib kokku 34 chihuahuat, kuid kuna huvi hakkasid tundma ka teiste väikesekasvuliste tõgude omanikud, teevad meiega koos trenni kaks taksi, Moskva toy terjer (pikakarvaline Vene toy terjer), kaks Yorkshire terjerit (Yorkie), kaks pomeraniani, West highland white terjer (westie) ja isegi kaks springerspanjelit. Väikest kasvu sülekoeri, eriti chihuahuat, peetakse rumalateks ja see kurvastab, sest see ei ole tõsi. Chihuahuad on intelligentsed ja väga kiired õppijad, niisamuti ka yorkied ja pomeranianid. Olen tähele pannud, et probleemselt käituvad koerad õpivad tihti trikke väga kiiresti. \r
Me käime esinemas heategevusüritustel - nii oleme aidanud haigetele, koduta koertele koguda raviraha, esinenud SOS Lasteküla lastele ja koerte match showdel koerte varjupaikade tegevust toetanud. Meie liidu koerad on ka hinnatud modellid koerterõivaste tootjatele, kuna nad on koolitatud ja oskavad ka laval trikke tehes rõivakollektsioone esitleda. Nii toimub meil igal sügisel suures ostukeskuses SOLARIS suur heategevuslik koerterõivaste show Koertemood. Meie koerad on esinenud Eesti filmides ja reklaamides, nad on armsad ja targad sülekoerad.\r
Treener: Krista Laanet\r
Video: Martin Ilustrumm


