19 Unbelievable Animals Caught

  • 6年前
From the worlds largest snake ever caught to one of the wrolds most beautiful fish ever captured here are 19 unbelievable animals caught. \r
10 - The snake will always bite back… \r
The massive python was caught at a construction site in Malaysia. Measuring around 26-feet and weighing around 550 pounds, this python had died after laying an egg. It was only caught in April, and they are waiting for official records to be taken of the snake – which could become the biggest caught snake in the world. \r
9 - Only in Australia… \r
This massive toad was caught in someones backyard in Australia. Its as big as a small dog and its said they are becoming more and more common. The female toad lays 35 000 eggs at a time and lays twice a year! \r
8 - The Royal Blue… \r
This incredible Parrot fish is probably one of the biggest ones ever caught. These fish are remarkable. They have these grinding teeth in the back of their throats which help to grind the coral up which they ingest whilst eating the algae off it. They can switch between male and female, and they envelope themselves in a transparent cocoon at night time to protect themselves. Their meat is not really eaten in the US, but in many places its considered “Royal Food”. \r
7 - For show and tell… \r
Allegedly caught off the coast of Wisconsin, this fur covered trout is said to be a fictional species found in North America and Iceland. \r
The fisherman showed it to wildlife officials who thought the fish might be infected with a fungal infection, but that is normally not furry but rather patchy. \r
6 - Feeling a little blue? \r
This beautiful blue crayfish is mostly found in freshwater in Florida, in places like St Johns River. One would think these are super rare, but on the IUCN Red list, its ually a species of Least Concern. They are often kept as pets and can be bought for roughly $100.00\r
5 - Smile for the camera… \r
Although not technically caught, but caught on camera – this poor little fish is swimming inside a jellyfish! How he got in there, Im not sure. Tim Samuel is a photographer from Australia who captured this once in a lifetime shot! \r
4 - All the better to eat you with… \r
A hunter photographed this freaky looking animal in Idaho in the US. It was initially killed for trying to eat a dog, but when he came closer to the animal – he noticed that the big cat had an extra set of teeth and whiskers coming out the other side of its skull. Its thought it may be the result of a tumour, or the animal was just born with a rare deformity. \r
3 - A legend comes to life… \r
Salamanders were often depicted in classic, medieval and renaissance lore, and they usually had an affinity to fire. I wonder what those story teller would think when they encountered this massive Chinese Giant Salamander? They can grow up to 6-feet, and are not able to see very well. They can regenerate lost limbs and love the water along with cool, damp places. They are said to sound like a baby crying, and are on the endangered list. \r
2 - Lurking under the sea… \r
Was this rare find off the coast of Singapore? Fisherman, Ong Han Boon, was fishing for his supper and got excited when his line hooked something. He was most horrified to find this alien looking thing, as opposed to a lovely fish. It has about 100 tentacle like arms that are moving, and even after posting the video online – no one has been able to confirm what it is! \r
1 - Beware the sting… \r
This massive catch is a short-tailed river sting ray. It can weigh over 450 pounds and grows to just under 5-feet in diameter. Their sting is very venomous, so be careful where you walk! The largest ever short –tailed stingray every caught was 661-pounds


