Most Amazing Real Life Superpowers

  • 6年前
Strangest Real life super powers, world records and bizarre people you wont believe; These are the Most Amazing Real Life Superpowers\r
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# 18 Superhuman Reflexes\r
# 17 Immunity to Cold\r
# 16 Echo Location\r
# 15 Teeth of Steel\r
# 14 Lion Whispering\r
# 13 Rubber Boy\r
# 12 Super Stretch Abilities\r
# 11 Underwater Sight\r
# 10 Ability to Fly\r
# 9 Immunity to Cancer\r
In Ecuador, there is a group of little people that are known as the Laron Dwarfs, and they are known for never developing cancer or diabetes. This group of people have been studied since 1987, and despite the f that many of the dwarfs involved in the study live unhealthy lifestyles, such as heavy drinking, smoking, and suffering from obesity, none of them ever developed cancer or diabetes, and in f, they ually lived strangely long lives. They lack a hormone called IGF-1 which is what causes their dwarfism but also limits the growth of cancerous cells. \r
# 8 Super Memory\r
Kim Peek was a man who was known for his impeccable memory. Before he passed away in new, he had memorized 12,000 books and could ually read two pages at once which allowed him to read twice as faster than the normal rate. He also had the ability to recall 98 percent of all his experiences. \r
# 7 Super Endurance\r
Even Olympic athletes get tired and have to take a break when they reach their limits. Everyone except for Dean Karnaze, who has a condition which allows his muscles to never get tired. Because his body doesnt produce lic acid, he can run for days and nights without sleeping or getting tired. Some of his feats include running for eighty hours non stop for a total of 350 miles and running fifty marathons in fifty states in just fifty days. \r
# 6 Superhuman Durability\r
David Blaine has proven himself able to withstand great amounts of pain and endurance. He has stood shirtless inside ice for hours, has held his breath for 20 minutes underwater, but most impressively, can pass an ice pick all the way through his hand. When going to a medical consultant, the doctor said: “theres no way he should be able to do this without bleeding”. And yet, somehow, David Blaine regularly pushes a pick through his hand seemingly with no pain and with no blood shed. \r
# 5 Ability to Conduct Electricity\r
Deepak Jangra is a boy from India who has found he has the ability to conduct electricity with his body without being fried alive. When he was repairing some electronics in his home and accidentally touched a live wire, he expected to feel a shock but didnt. When this happened a few times, he kept testing his resistance until he finally climbed an electrical pole and touched a live power cable which would usually kill someone but he lived. Somehow, Deepak Jangra is immune to electrocution. \r
# 4 Super Photographic Memory\r
Stephen Wiltshire is an artist that paints and draws incredibly detailed landscapes. However, he does this by using his incredibly detailed and accurate memory recall. He can take a single helicopter ride over a city and then redraw the whole cityscape completely. \r
# 3 Ability to Eat Anything\r
Michel Lotito from France has the ability to eat virtually anything that most people cant even fathom putting in their mouths. He can eat metal and rubber and other crazy stuff. He is also known for slowly eating all the parts to a Cessna 150 airplane through his lifetime. Its approximated that he ate 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds of metal material every day. \r
# 2 Unbreakable Bones\r
You really dont have to watch an X-Mento find people with amazing super mutant powers. There is a small family in Connecticut who have chosen to remain anonymous but have undergone intensive studies that prove they basically have unbreakable bones. One member of this family, known to the public by the name “John” ually survived a car crash with no serious injuries whatsoever. Another member of the family needed a hip replacement, but doctors found they couldnt get one because the prosthetic couldnt be screwed into existing bones. \r
# 1 Monk Pain Endurance \r
A video of this Thai monk calmly meditating in a pot of boiling oil made its rounds on YouTube, and it amazed everyone as the hot oil should cause searing pain to anyone who touches it. While some believe this is a trick or illusion was used to prevent the oil from ually boiling, others believe it. This isnt the first monk to prove he can withstand high amounts of pain - several monks before him have proven themselves immune to feats by channeling an energy in their body they call “Chi”.
