How to Get More Guys to Approach You

  • 6年前
Want to get the guy you REALLY want to approach you?\r
Watch more videos like this: \r
Learn how to trigger emotional attrion here: \r
“Why arent guys approaching me?”\r
“Is it something Im doing… or NOT doing???”\r
This is one of the most common questions that I receive from my coaching clients.\r
The thing is, unless youre meeting all of your dates online (or YOU like being the one to “go out on a limb”) then you NEED to make sure that youre approachable…\r
Thats because nothing happens unless guys feel comfortable enough to initiate cont!\r
It doesnt matter if its at the bar…\r
… in the coffee shop…\r
… or when youre buying shoes at the mall—there are TONS of opportunities to meet high quality men in your day-to-day life, and IF youre approachable then you have more options to choose from. \r
Its that simple. \r
Thats why I made todays video; to help you learn the KEY indicators men are looking for that give them that extra little NUDGE they need to come up to you and start up a conversation!\r
Trust me: you reaaaaaally dont have to do all that much to make yourself more “approach worthy” with guys. \r
All it takes are a few little adjustments and you can become THAT girl who guys are COMPELLED to approach.\r
What makes you approachable? Answer in the comments below.\r
Your friend,\r
PS: Want to learn how to TURBOCHARGE your emotional attrion with men… and give them both the conscious AND subconscious signals to become 10X more into YOU? Go here to learn more: \r
1. Send out a Good Vibe\r
For starters, have an incredible vibe. All night you want to be hanging out with people who really make you laugh, who you can be goofy and relaxed with. \r
Im telling you, as a guy, when you walk into a room and youre interested in approaching a woman, youre looking for that woman who has a great vibe about her. Shes clearly enjoying herself, she has great energy, and shes smiling — not because shes trying to but because shes having a great time. That is very attrive to men.\r
2. Position Yourself in the Center\r
Lets say youre out at a bar or some type of party. The best place for you if you want more guys to come up and approach you is in the center of the room. By being in the center of the room, a lot of guys are going to be walking around you, coming nearby. If youre in a corner. in a dark corner. guys who want to go up and approach you will be too nervous. Theyre never going to get the guts to walk across the room where no one else is and just come up and start talking to you.\r
So the best place for you to attr a guy is to be in the center of the room. On top of that, its ok to get caught looking at guys. If youre looking around the room talking to your friends and out of nowhere you make eye cont with a guy, hold that eye cont for one millisecond longer just so he knows that, yeah, you were looking. It will make him much more likely to approach you.\r
3. Limit the group to no more than 3 people\r
2 people is ideal. like you and one other friend. But beyond 3 ladies, guys do not want to approach a large group of women. So its best for you to stick with a smaller group of people.
