Classical Dressup for Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam

  • 6年前
Classical Dressup for Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam\r
Dressup and makeup for Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam.\r
Dressup and makeup for Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam\r
Dressup for Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam\r
Dressup for Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam\r
Bharatanatyam is a Indian classical Indian dance originate in South Indian state Tamil Nadu.This dance form denotes various 19th and 20th century reconstructions of Sadir the art of temple dancers. adir in turn, is derived from ancient dance forms that includes some acrobatic karanas. Bharatnatyam is usually accompanied by Carnatic music. It has its inspirations from the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram. Bharatanatyam, as the name depicts is the combination of: Bha - Bhavam (means expression), Ra - Ragam (means music), Ta - Talam (means beat or rhythm) and Natyam (means dance) in Tamil.\r
Bharatnatyam is considered to be a fire-dance — the mystic manifestation of the metaphysical element of fire in the human body. It is one of the five major styles (one for each element) that include Odissi (element of water), Kuchipudi (element of earth), Mohiniattam (element of air) and Kathakali (element of sky or aether). The movements of an authentic Bharatanatyam dancer resemble the movements of a dancing flame. Contemporary Bharatanatyam is rarely priced as Natya Yoga, a sacred meditational tradition, except by a few orthodox schools (see Yoga and dance).\r
Bharatnatyam proper is a solo dance, with two aspects, lasya, the graceful feminine lines and movements, and tandava Ananda Thandavam (Tamil) (the dance of Shiva), masculine aspect, which is identical to the Yin and Yang in the Chinese culture. Alarippu, which literally means to blossom, sees the dancers explore the various movements of the eyes, neck, shoulders and arms.\r
Indian classical dances are performed inside the sanctum of the temple according to the rituals called Agama Nartanam. Natya Shastra classifies this type of dance form as margi, or a soul-liberating dance. Dances performed in royal courts to the accompaniment of classical music are called Carnatakam. A Hindu deity is considered a revered royal guest in his temple, and should be offered all of the sixteen hospitalities, among which are music and dance. The sixteen hospitalities please the senses.\r
The term classical (Sanskrit: Shastriya) was introduced by Sangeet Natak Akademi to denote the Natya Shastra-based performing art styles. Classical dance performances usually feature a story about good and evil. The dance is traditionally presented in a dramatic manner called nritta, which uses clean facial expressions and mudrā, or hand gestures, to narrate the story and to demonstrate concepts such as particular objects, weather, aspects of nature and emotions. Classical Indian dance is also known as Natya. Natya includes singing and abhinaya (mime ing). These features are common to all Indian classical styles of dance. In the margi form, Nritta is composed of karanas, while Desi nritta consists mainly of adavus.he Natya Shastra, written by Bharata Muni, does not mention the name of any classical dance forms recognised today, but listed the four Pravrittis as Dakshinatya, Audramagadhi, Avanti and Panchali.\r
Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, and Mohiniyattam evolved from the Pravritti form called Dakshinatya. \r
Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Droupadis Vastrapaharana Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam.\r
Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Droupadis Vastrapaharana Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam.Bharatanatyam Indian classical dance Droupadis Vastrapaharana Indian Classical Dance BharatNatyam.\r
Natya Shastra,bharatanatyam dance steps,bharatanatyam video,bharatanatyam costumes,bharatanatyam mudras


