Comet ISON is Already Visible in North Eastern Skies

  • 6年前
Update August 10,new - There are 110 days, until perihelion of Comet ISON\r
Perihelion is due to occur on 28 November new, at 18:40:47 UTC\r
(Perihelion time via JPL - updated on August 7, new)\r
Comet ISON is currently\r
233,829,879 miles (2.515495 AU) \r
from the Sun, and travelling at\r
59,513.74 mph (26.61 km/s)\r
Earth Distance: 321,529,265 miles (3.458948 AU)\r
Constellation: Cancer\r
On August 10th, the time projected (tp) value calculated by NASA for perihelion (closest to the sun) was new-Nov-28.77833189. Thats the equivalent of November 28, new at 18:40:47 UTC.\r
ISONs size is only estimated at present but is thought to be around a few miles in diameter. This will become more apparent in the next few months as the comet continues its approach during new. Astronomers who have been processing data from NASAs Swift satellite, estimate the comet to be around 3 miles in diameter. They have reached this conclusion by observing the amount of ice and dust emitted from ISONs surface as it falls through space toward the Sun\r
ISON is currently between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, but from Earths perspective, it appears behind the Suns glare. ISON entered the Suns glare back in June and should become observable by NASAs equipment in mid-August or early September at the latest. Its projected that it will become visible to the naked eye by early to mid-November.\r
ISONs average speed throughout August will be 60,462mph. It will continue to accelerate steadily until 28th November when itll whip around our Sun at an astonishing 425,000mph!\r
Perihelion & Distance: LIVE Information\r
Comet ISON Interive Model\r
Comet ISON Observations by an Amateur Observer\r
Webmaster: Bruce Gary\r
Music credit: mik300z \r
Vangelis - Echoes - length 7:51
