15 Shocking Things Found Inside Human Bodies

  • 6年前
You wont believe what people ually had to go get removed from their bodies from maggots in ears and a fir tree growing in a lung! \r
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8. 100s Of Fly Maggots\r
57 Maggots doesnt quite compare to literally hundreds of them. Thats what happened when an Indian man went to his local hospital when he was experiencing intense ear pain. Doctors then discovered that the mans ear was infested with hundreds of the small creatures who were devouring his flesh. If they hadnt have been removed, it was fairly certain that they would have continued to burrow all the way into his brain.\r
7. A 3 Inch Cricket\r
A man from India, whose name has been unidentified, went to the doctor after experiencing a terrible itch in his ear. Once there, doctors had managed to pull out a 3-inch live cricket with a pair of small tweezers from deep within his ear canal. A video of the procedure was posted online where it was picked up by several online news sites. It was most likely believed that the cricket would have eventually come out on its own once it was nighttime.\r
6. A Flying Cockroach\r
An Australian man by the name of Hendrik Helmer began to experience some excruciating ear pain back in new. Initially, he believed that a spider had managed to get stuck inside of his ear. Unfortunately, he was oh so very wrong. When he went to the doctors after a failed attempt to try to remove the foreign invader with a vacuum, they used a pair of tweezers to pull out an inch long flying cockroach. The hospital staff had to drown it with olive oil and wait 15 minutes. Helmer kept the dead roach in a jar and named it Roger. \r
5. A Jumping Spider\r
Back in new, a British pop star named Katie Melua was experiencing some weird feelings and noises in one of her ears for an entire week. Finally, she went to the doctors where they examined her ears and found a small jumping spider inside of one. Apparently, Melua used a pair of old in-ear noise blocking monitors on a flight a week earlier and believes thats where the spider originally came from. She shared this picture of the little critter on her Twitter feed and decided to set it free in her garden after the doctor managed to remove it. \r
4. A Tropical Spider\r
An Australian man named Dylan Maxwell had just recently came home from vacationing on the island of Bali when he noticed something strange. There was a long red trail leading from his navel all the way up to his chest that was sort of scar-like. Assuming he was just bitten by some bug he went to the hospital and got a shocking diagnosis. The “trail” was ually the result of a tiny spider that had burrowed into his skin and survived there for quite a few days. \r
3. 232 Teeth\r
It was back in July of new when a young teenager by the name of Ashik Gavai was taken to the J.J. hospital in Mumbai after local doctors from his village couldnt determine a diagnosis for what was causing his mouth so much pain. Oral surgeons couldnt figure out the cause either so they decided to cut open his gums and what they discovered was astonishing. A large structure that was essentially made up of teeth. The surgery took a grueling 7 hours to be completed by using a chisel and hammer to remove a total of 232 teeth. Gavais condition was a rare one called composite odontoma, where excessive dentin and enamel grow to essentially create benign tumors. \r
2. Botfly Larvae\r
There is a species of botfly called Dermatobia hominis that likes to infest humans with its larvae. These botflies manage to capture temporary hosts, such as mosquitos and other bugs and lay their eggs inside them. The hosting insect will then bite a human and drop the botfly eggs into the skin where theyll develop and hatch after 8 weeks. This is exly what happened to a 5-year-old Honduran boy when botfly larvae had to be surgically removed from one of his eyes. \r
1. A Parasitic Worm\r
Most peoples worst fear is playing host to some foreign parasite thats managed to smuggle its way into their body. Well, thats what happened to one man from Iowa back in new. It started when John Matthews began to experience a haze in his vision and noticing unusual dark spots. At his local ophthalmologist, Matthews found out that there was a parasitic worm that was living in his eye and feasting on his retina.


