13 Bizarre Things That Animals Do

  • 6 years ago
Animals do some strange things that we dont even know about like how cows mysteriously are pulled by magnetism while they eat\r
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# 7 Crocodiles Eat Stones\r
Did you know Crocodiles eat rocks? Yes, Crocodiles routinely swallow just huge stones. Their stomach acids are pretty good at breaking things down, even things like turtle shells, but they cant break down a rock. So whats the point of doing this? The stone in their stomach kind of serves as a ballast that helps them swim when theyre submerged underwater. Who knew that swallowing a rock or two could make you swim better? I just dont want to be there to watch whenever that stone comes back out. \r
# 6 Spider Rain\r
Every once in awhile, millions of spiders can come raining from the sky. In places throughout the world including Australia and Brazil, you might experience a disturbing weather phenomena where tiny spiders sail through the air towards you. This is ually a phenomenon that spiders do called “Ballooning” where they shoot a silk web upwards and let air currents pull them away. This happens ually quite frequently but usually, the spiders are all dispersed evenly across an area rather than all pulled together in the same direction. With sudden changes in wind patterns ballooning spiders would all go in the same direction and come down at the same time, giving the appearance that spiders are ually falling from the sky. \r
# 5 Dolphins Sleep with One Eye Open\r
Dolphins are constantly awake and have somehow transcended sleep deprivation and exhaustion with this one simple trick: half their brain is always awake. They arent just paranoid; they ually need their brain to be half awake so they can swim up to the surface and come up for air. Its essential so they dont drown in their sleep. Unlike humans, pulling an all-nighter doesnt dull their senses or make them groggy, they perform at peak ability even after several nights of this half-sleep. So they kind of can stay awake indefinitely without feeling any drawbacks. \r
# 4 Fur Seals Mate with King Penguins\r
Strange things are happening in the sub-Antarctic. Fur Seals have been found trying to “mate” with nearby King Penguins. Theis pretty cruel and brutal, often leading to the death of the penguin and the fur seal eating it. This has happened multiple times recently on this same island but cross-species mating between pinnipeds and penguins have never been recorded before. This behavior seems to be increasing on Marion Island but the reason why isnt clear. It might be a lack of female populations or aggressive ual behavior that is being learned between the fur seals, but no one is entirely sure yet. \r
# 3 Tarantulas Throw Their Hairs\r
Most of us are pretty terrified of the hairy little beasts we call Tarantulas, but most might not know that they are relatively defenseless when something ually wants to try and kill it. So what does a tarantula do when its cornered and threatened by a bigger animal? It rips its own hair off and throws it. Usually, when people get into fights youre ripping the other persons hair out, but a Tarantula apparently likes to beat you to the punch. The hair is ually pretty sticky and a bunch of its little hair getting caught on a predator can slow it down while it makes a getaway. Bonus points for the tarantula if it can get it into the predators eyes. \r
# 2 Crocodiles Cry\r
The term “Crocodile Tears” came from a myth that crocodiles cry while they eat and evolved into a phrase that denotes an “insincere show of emotion”. However, it might not be a complete myth: some scientists have found that crocodiles do in f cry while theyre chowing down. Folklore suggests they cry because they feel remorse for the prey they killed to eat, but scientists think it might just be an uncontrollable bodily reion. Crocodiles might cry to protect their eyes while they hunt prey or fight with other crocodiles. \r
# 1 Jellyfish Live Forever\r
There is a species of Jellyfish that hangs around the Japanese sea that can ually reincarnate itself and virtually live forever. The species called Turritopsis dohrnii also appropriately nicknamed immortal jellyfish is capable of turning back its biological clock over and over again. When the Immortal Jellyfish reaches ual maturity, it can undergo a rapid metamorphosis that sheds most of its body and results in a return to its juvenile polyp stage. Although they can pretty much do this forever, they are still susceptible to damage and disease so theyre not completely immune to death.
